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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Page 986

Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux. (1636–1711) (continued)
    Every age has its pleasures, its style of wit, and its own ways.
          The Art of Poetry. Canto iii. Line 374.
    He [Molière] pleases all the world, but cannot please himself.
          Satire 2.
    “There, take,” says Justice, “take ye each a shell;
We thrive at Westminster on fools like you.
’T was a fat oyster! live in peace,—adieu.” 1
          Epître ii.
Alain René Le Sage. (1668–1747)
    It may be said that his wit shines at the expense of his memory. 2
          Gil Blas. Book iii. Chap. xi.
    I wish you all sorts of prosperity with a little more taste.
          Gil Blas. Book vii. Chap. iv.
    Isocrates was in the right to insinuate, in his elegant Greek expression, that what is got over the Devil’s back is spent under his belly. 3
          Gil Blas. Book viii. Chap. ix.
    Facts are stubborn things. 4
          Gil Blas. Book x. Chap. i.
    Plain as a pike-staff. 5
          Gil Blas. Book xii. Chap. viii.
François Marie Arouet de Voltaire. (1694–1778)
    If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent him. 6
          Epître à l’Auteur du Livre des Trois Imposteurs. cxi.
    The king [Frederic] has sent me some of his dirty linen to wash; I will wash yours another time. 7
          Reply to General Manstein.
    Men use thought only as authority for their injustice, and employ speech only to conceal their thoughts. 8
          Dialogue xiv. Le Chapon et la Poularde (l763).
Note 1.
See Pope, Quotation 225. [back]
Note 2.
See Sheridan, Quotation 41. [back]
Note 3.
See Rabelais, Quotation 48. [back]
Note 4.
See Smollett, Quotation 3. [back]
Note 5.
See Middleton, Quotation 12. [back]
Note 6.
See Tillotson, Quotation 1. [back]
Note 7.
Voltaire writes to his niece Dennis, July 24, 1752, “Voilà le roi qui m’envoie son linge à blanchir.” [back]
Note 8.
See Young, Quotation 64. [back]