John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.
Team of sparrows, 31. |
Teapot, tempest in a, 953. |
Tear a passion to tatters, 137. be duly shed for thee, 390. betwixt a smile and, 546. cost a sigh a, 433. drop a, 259. drop a, and bid adieu, 859. drying up a single, 559. each others’ eyes, 302. every woe can claim a, 548. falling of a, 497. followed perhaps by a smile, 416. for pity, he hath a, 90. forgot as soon as shed, 381. gave to misery all he had a, 386. her tattered ensign down, 688. homage of a, 541. in her eye, 489. law which moulds a, 456. man without a, 516. meed of some melodious, 247. one particular, 163. passage of an angel’s, 576. perhaps ’t will cost a sigh a, 433. recording angel dropped a, 379. scarcely a, to shed, 770. shed no, 577. stain it with hypocritic, 571. stands trembling in her eye, 343. sympathetic, the, 387. that flows for others’ woes, 424. that we shed, 519. the groan the knell, 562. vapour melting in a, 346. wiped with a little address, 416. |
Tears, accept these grateful, 340. alike are sent, joys and, 630. all her sorrow all her, 508. all in vain, 783. and ashes, 851. and laughter, 657. and smiles, kisses, 474. are shed, 824. beauty smiling in her, 513. beguile her of her, 150. behold their, hear their cries, 990. big round, in piteous chase, 67. child of misery baptized in, 427. crocodile, 38, 191. dim with childish, 471. dip their wings in, 675. down Pluto’s cheek, 250. drop fast as the Arabian trees, 157. due to human suffering, 482. flattered to, 575. fountain of sweet, 469. from some divine despair, 672. hence these, 888. her humblest mirth and, 468. her income, 204. idle tears, 672. if you have, prepare to shed them now, 113. in secret in silence and, 869. leaves millions in, 723. like Niobe all, 128. love embalmed in, 491. |
Tears must stop for every drop, 594. nor all your, wash out a word, 954. nothing is here for, 242. of bearded men, 489. of boyhood’s years, 523. of the sky for loss of the sun, 353. of woe, smiles of joy, 524. parted in silence and, 539. resolves the moon into salt, 109. shall drown the wind, 118. she stood in, 575. so weary of toil and of, 783. some natural, they dropped, 240. source of sympathetic, 382. such as angels weep, 225. that speak, 262. there was dearth of woman’s, 653. thoughts too deep for, 478. time with a gift of, 804. to raise the dead with, 883. vale of, beyond this, 497. wept away in transient, 662. wept each other’s, 637. wet with unseen, 497. wronged orphans’, 194. |
Tearful willows, 784. |
Teche, and gladly, 2. |
Techstone, war’s red, 737. |
Tedious as a king, 52. as a twice-told tale, 79, 345. as go o’er, returning as, 123. as to work, to sport as, 83. thinking his prattle to be, 82. |
Teeth are set on edge, the children’s, 1027. drunkard clasp his, 34. of time, give lettered pomp to, 649. sans eyes sans taste sans, 69. skin of my, escaped with the, 1009. spite of his, 8. |
Tell a hundred, might 129. a tale of woe, 790. all my bones, I may, 1011. him I lingered alone on the shore, 613. how the truth may be, I cannot, 487. it not in Gath, 1006. it to forget, 772. me not in mournful numbers, 638. me the tales, 588. me where, gentle shepherd, 860. the mischief the virtuous do, 698. them old experience is a fool, 683. them they are men, 381. when or how I can not, 769. who can, save he, 550. |
Tells no truths, music, 722. |
Tellen his tale untrewe, 2. |
Telling the battle was on once more, 751. those blessed strains are, 717. |
Tell-tale women, hear these, 97. |
Temper, blest with, 321. certain winds make men’s, bad, 729. justice with mercy, 239. man of such a feeble, 110. of her own, 825. thy steady, 297. |