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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 18 John Bartlett

Barleycorn, bold John, 451.
Barrel, handful of meal in a, 1007.
of gold, 827.
of meal wasted not, 1007.
Barren earth, small model of the, 82.
peaks of two eternities, 784.
regrets, 780.
sceptre in my gripe, 121.
’t is all, 379.
Barrenest of all mortals, the, 583.
Barring that expression of villainy, 796.
Barty, Hans Breitmann gife, a, 759.
Base, all that is, shall die, 817.
born, bravest have been, 190.
column with the buried, 546.
fly from its firm, 491.
him that uttered nothing, 665.
Hungarian wight, 45.
in kind, 413.
in man, to keep down the, 681.
is the slave that pays, 91.
uses we may return, 144.
who is here so, 113.
world and worldlings, 90.
Baseless fabric of this vision, 43.
Baseness, the gods detest my, 158.
to write fair, hold it, 145.
Bashaw, three-tailed, 454.
Bashful fifteen, maiden of, 442.
sincerity and comely love, 52.
virgin’s sidelong looks, 396.
Basis, moral authority, 995.
no broader, for any government, 634.
of every truth, 409.
Basket and store, 1006.
eggs in one, 972.
who was in the, 46.
Baskit er kittens, 828.
Bass eternal of the sea, the, 788.
Bassarid of Boston, blatant, 808.
Basso even contra-alto, 554.
Bastard Freedom waves her flag, 518.
Latin, soft, 554.
to the time, he is but a, 78.
Bastards, ancient families, 190.
live like nature’s, 246.
Bastion fringed with fire, 674.
Bat, Casey at the, 856.
tongue of dog, wool of, 123.
Bats, to the moles and the, 1024.
Bate a jot of heart or hope, 252.
Bated breath, 61.
Bath, O starry, 821.
sore labour’s, 120.
Bathe all the hills in melancholy gold, 613.
in fiery floods, 48.
Bathing, caught Whigs, 624.
Battalions, field-marshal who arrays our, 727.
heaviest, 987.
side of the strongest, 1003.
sorrows come in, 142.
Battle, again to the, 516.
and the breeze, 514.
Ben. was a soldier bold, 594.
Battle, care for him who has borne the, 662.
cowards do not count in, 885.
crimson flower of, blooms, 748.
division of a, 149.
feats of broil and, 150.
for the free, won the, 562.
for the last, of the world, 650.
freedom’s, once begun, 548.
he has fought his last, 623.
he who is in, slain, 403.
I had a regular, 887.
in the lost, 489.
is lost and won, when the, 115.
lanterns lit, ports all up, 739.
life is a, 936.
lost and battle won, 463.
not to the strong, 1023.
of life, who fell in the, 745.
perilous edge of, 224.
prize o’ death in, 737.
rages loud and long, the, 515.
see the front of, lour, 450.
sees the other’s umbered face, 92.
smelleth the, afar off, 1010.
storms dismay, 854.
to bear thee to the, 623.
was on once more, telling, 751.
who in life’s, 991.
with my peers, delight of, 668.
Battles, fought his, o’er again, 271.
long ago, 473.
rains fall after great, 911.
sieges fortunes, 150.
the flag of our stately, 748.
win our, by its aid, 718.
Battle’s magnificently sterm array, 543.
sound, no war or, 251.
van, in the, 716.
Battle-blood gory, 766.
Battle-brunt, gentlest and bravest in the, 814.
Battle-cry, freedom their, 756.
Battled for the true and just, 675.
Battle-field, march to the, 863.
Battlements bore stars, 479.
fate sits on these dark, 456.
towers and, 248.
Battle-queen of yore, 813.
Bauble, pleased with this, 318.
Baucis’ busy care, 274.
Bay of Biscay O, 453.
the moon, be a dog and, 114.
Bay-tree, like a green, 1011.
Be, and so it might not, 720.
as be we would, 38.
at rest and free, 718.
dreamed a dream that could not, 758.
gleam on the years that shall, 631.
good sweet maid, 727.
home again, oh to, 724.
lief not be as live to, 110.
loved by me, to love and, 655.
matters not what you are thought to, 899.
may bring us there to, 700.