
Home  »  Familiar Quotations  »  86 John Heywood 1497?-1580? John Bartlett

John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

86 John Heywood 1497?-1580? John Bartlett

AUTHOR:John Heywood (1497?–1580?)
QUOTATION:While betweene two stooles my taile goe to the ground. 1
ATTRIBUTION:Proverbes. Part i. Chap. iii.
Note 1.
Entre deux arcouns chet cul à terre (Between two stools one sits on the ground).—Les Proverbes del Vilain, MS. Bodleian. Circa 1303.

S’asseoir entre deux selles le cul à terre (One falls to the ground in trying to sit on two stools).—Francis Rabelais: book i. chap. ii. [back]