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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

3564 Alexander Pope 1688-1744 John Bartlett

AUTHOR:Alexander Pope (1688–1744)
QUOTATION:Praise undeserv’d is scandal in disguise. 1
ATTRIBUTION:Satires, Epistles, and Odes of Horace. Epistle i. Book ii. Line 413.
Note 1.
This line is from a poem entitled “To the Celebrated Beauties of the British Court,” given in Bell’s “Fugitive Poetry,” vol. iii. p. 118.

The following epigram is from “The Grove,” London, 1721:—

When one good line did much my wonder raise,
In Br—st’s work, I stood resolved to praise,
And had, but that the modest author cries,
“Praise undeserved is scandal in disguise.”
On a certain line of Mr. Br——, Author of a Copy of Verses called the British Beauties. [back]