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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

184 John Heywood 1497?-1580? John Bartlett

AUTHOR:John Heywood (1497?–1580?)
QUOTATION:He must needes goe whom the devill doth drive. 1
ATTRIBUTION:Proverbes. Part ii. Chap. vii.
Note 1.
An earlier instance of this proverb occurs in Heywood’s Johan the Husbande. 1533.

He must needs go whom the devil drives.—William Shakespeare: All ’s Well that Ends Well, act i. sc. 3. Cervantes: Don Quixote, part i. book iv. chap. iv. Gosson: Ephemerides of Phialo. George Peele: Edward I. [back]