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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

1099 William Shakespeare 1564-1616 John Bartlett

AUTHOR:William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
QUOTATION:Lord, Lord! methought, what pain it was to drown!
What dreadful noise of waters in mine ears!
What ugly sights of death within mine eyes!
Methought I saw a thousand fearful wrecks,
Ten thousand men that fishes gnawed upon,
Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl,
Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels,
All scattered in the bottom of the sea:
Some lay in dead men’s skulls; and in those holes
Where eyes did once inhabit, there were crept,
As ’t were in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems.
ATTRIBUTION:King Richard III. Act i. Sc. 4.  [text]
WORKS:William Shakespeare Collection.