James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
October 24Webster
By Epes Sargent (1813–1880)N
Silence of Death! He is wrapped in thy shade;
All of the gifted and great that was mortal,
In the earth where the ocean-mist weepeth, is laid.
Form, lending argument aspect august,
Brow, like the arch that a nation’s weight needed,
Eyes, wells unfathomed of thought—all are dust.
A light, since the Star in the East never dim;
No joy’s exultation, no sorrow’s repining
Could hide it in life or life’s ending from him.
That pierced the quick ear of Faith through the gloom;
The rod and the staff that he asked for were given,
And he followed the Saviour’s own track to the tomb.
Lo, infinite ranges of being to fill!
In that land of the spirit, that region diviner,
He liveth, he loveth, he laboureth still.