James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
January 27Unter den Linden
By Harry Thurston Peck (1856–1914)T
Along the overhanging eaves;
The awnings droop and scarcely feel
The wind that stirs the linden leaves;
And here the curious strangers try
To wile away an idle hour,
And watch the crowd that surges by
All day before the Cafe Bauer.
And with a careless heart survey
This city of imperial pride,
Where men make history to-day;
Here is no idle pleasure-mart
To witch the fancy of an hour;
Here throbs a nation’s living heart,
Here beats the pulse of conscious power.
Flung out with martial blazonry,
Are symbols of successful war,
While he who looks can ever see
Behind the veil that Peace has spread,
The banners of a mighty camp,
Can hear above the hum of trade
The gathering armies’ ceaseless tramp.
What stilled the tongue and checked the feet,
As when a wind has ceased to blow,
A hush comes o’er the busy street,
A bugle sounds; and in reply
Rolls forth a distant storm of drums;
Then down the Linden runs the cry:
“The Kaiser comes! The Kaiser comes!”
That wanders in uneasy quest,
With looks that like a living lance
Blaze from beneath the helmet-crest;
Upon that face as on a page
Has nature stamped with cruel truth
The heartlessness of cynic age,
The reckless insolence of youth.
What oestrus-thought that stings and stays,
Goads on his restless, brooding mind—
This sceptred Sphinx of modern days?
It is ambition’s poisoned wine—
The throb, perchance, of ceaseless pain—
The spark of genius half divine—
The burning of a madman’s brain?
All Europe eyes with bated breath,
Whose word can arm a million men,
Whose nod can hurl them on to death:
A nation’s life, a nation’s ease,
The honour of a nation’s name,
The awful fates of war and peace,
All centred in a single frame.
When birth made brutes the lords of brain!
When Hope stood naked to the blast,
And cowering Freedom clanked her chain!
Thou art the last of all the line
Of them that set with lordly beck
The ruthless heel of right divine
Forever on a nation’s neck!
The price that War has sternly set;
The while, ere Peace returns to stay,
There looms a conflict mightier yet
Than that which burst in years before
When German unity awoke
Saluted by the cannon’s roar
Amid the mists of battle-smoke.
The northern Cossack grimly waits;
The Dane remembers Duppel’s shame,
The Austrian broods o’er Koniggratz;
While on the hills of fair Lorraine
That front the slopes of Vendenheim—
A tiger with a slender chain—
The Gallic foeman bides his time.
Who kneel to God but face the foe,
And side by side together stand
To sing the song of long ago
That, rising from a myriad throats,
A nation’s battle-hymn divine,
Thrills on the ear like bugle notes:
“Fest steht und treu die Wacht am Rhein!”
Throughout the drowsy summer day,
While glints the sunlight on the eaves
Along the Linden’s stately way
Where still the curious strangers try
To wile away an idle hour,
And watch the crowd that surges by
All day before the Cafe Bauer.