James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
May 28Thomas Moore
By Richard Henry Stoddard (1825–1903)A
A hundred years ago to-day;
Loved of that race that long has worn
The shamrock for the bay.
Of woman’s smile, and woman’s tear,
Light songs that suit our lighter hours,
But O, how bright and dear!
And, Atlas-like, its weight sustain;
Or solemn tragedies rehearse
In high, heroic strain.
The heart demands for happy days
The lyrics of Anacreon,
And Sappho’s tender lays.
He loved them, but exacted more,
For his the lash that Horace plied,
The sword Harmodius wore.
So dreaded by the flying Dane?
And thou, Con of the Hundred Fights?
Your spirits are not slain!
Be with us, we shall conquer still,
Though Irish kings are crowned no more
On Tara’s holy hill.
Like those he sung—Heaven only knows;
He had the rose without the thorn,
But he deserved the rose.
His heart was warm, his soul was strong;
He kept his love of Country bright,
And sung her sweetest song.
To honor him, as few before,
And blazon on his hundredth year
The fame of Thomas Moore.