James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
October 9The Siege of Savannah
By Rivington’s Gazette, 1779C
With heart and with voice
Her triumphs let loyalty show, sir,
While bumpers go round
Re-echo the sound,
Huzza, for the King and Provost, sir.
And his Irish brigade,
His ships and his spruce Gallic host, sir,
As proud as an elf,
D’Estaing came himself,
And landed on Georgia’s coast, sir.
Under Lincoln’s command,
Of rebels and traitors and Whigs, sir,
’Gainst the town of Savannah,
He planted his banner,
And then he felt wondrous big, sir.
Then muskets did rattle,
Fierce raged the battle,
Grape shot it flew thicker than hail, sir.
The ditch filled with slain,
Blood dyed all the plain,
When the rebels and French turn tail, sir.
There Pulaski fell,
That Imp of old Bell,
Who attempted to murder his king, sir,
But now he is gone
Whence he’ll never return,
But will make H—— with treason to ring, sir.
The rebels repair,
D’Estaing scampers back to his boats, sir,
Each blaming the other,
Each cursing his brother,
And may they cut each other’s throats, sir.