James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
March 19The Race of the “Oregon”
By John James MeehanL
And a canvas hiding each cannon’s mouth,
And a ship like a silent ghost released
Is seeking her sister ships in the East.
An ocean hound in a coat of mail,
A deck long-lined with the lines of fate,
She roars good-bye at the Golden Gate.
But a burning fire, like the fire of hell,
Till the lookout starts as his glasses show
The white cathedral of Callao.
Food, food for the men, and food for the fire.
Then out in the sea to rest no more
Till her keel is grounded on Chile’s shore.
Where chart nor compass may help or save,
Where the hissing wraiths of the sea abide
And few may pass through the stormy tide.
For another breath in the burning day;
For a moment’s shelter from speed and pain,
And a prow to the tropic sea again.
Till the call shall rise o’er the awful deep;
And the bell shall clang for the battle there,
And the voice of guns is the voice of prayer!
One more to the songs of the bold and free,
When your children gather about your knee;
When the Goths and Vandals come down in might
As they came to the walls of Rome one night;
When the lordly William of Deloraine
Shall ride by the Scottish lake again;
When the Hessian spectres shall flit in air
As Washington crosses the Delaware;
When the eyes of babes shall be closed in dread
As the story of Paul Revere is read;
When your boys shall ask what the guns are for,
Then tell them the tale of the Spanish War,
And the breathless millions that looked upon
The matchless race of the Oregon.