James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
April 11The Protestants’ Joy
By Old BalladL
Their spirits a happy good cheer,
The Eleventh of April now,
Has proved the best day in the year:
Brave boys let us merrily sing,
Whilst smiling full bumpers go round,
Here’s joyful good tidings I bring,
King William and Mary is crowned.
Afford them a prosperous reign,
We ne’er shall have cause to repine,
Our liberties they will maintain:
Some villains that would us destroy,
In strong iron fetters lie bound,
Whilst we are transported with joy,
That William and Mary is crowned.
They’ll root out the relics of Rome,
And make this a flourishing isle.
And truth in its glory shall bloom,
Which Romans did envy a while:
The Mass and the Rosary too,
Was all but a mere empty sound,
The Papists look pitiful blue,
Now William and Mary is crowned.
Was sensible of their relief,
Therefore in a full flowing bowl,
They drown all the relics of grief:
And drink their good Majesties’ health,
With reverend knees to the ground,
And wishing them honour and wealth
Who is with a diadem crowned.
Who stood for the Protestant cause,
And made the proud Romans retreat,
Defending religion and laws:
We’ll conquer or fight till we die,
To make our monarch renowned,
Now thanks to Heaven on high,
That William and Mary is crowned.