James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
June 3The Men of the Merrimac
By Clinton Scollard (1860–1932)Hail to Hobson! hail to Hobson! hail to all the valiant set!
Clausen, Kelly, Deignan, Phillips, Murphy, Montagu, Charette!
Howsoe’er we laud and laurel we shall be their debtors yet!
Shame upon us, shame upon us, should the nation e’er forget!
Surely never brighter valor, since this wheeling world was young,
Thrilled men’s souls to more than wonder, till praise leaped from every tongue!
Spake the Admiral from his flagship, rocking off the hidden bay,
“We must close yon open portal lest he slip by night away!”
Was there ever deadlier venture? was there ever bolder plan?
Yet the gallant sailors answered, answered wellnigh to a man!
Toward the batteries grimly frowning o’er the harbor’s narrow gate;
Sooth, he holds his life but lightly who thus gives the dare to Fate!
When portentous Morro thundered, and Socapa echoed clear,
And Estrella joined a chorus pandemoniac to hear.
There they sank the bulky collier ’mid the hurtling Spanish hail;
Long shall float our starry banner if such lads beneath it sail!
Clausen, Kelly, Deignan, Phillips, Murphy, Montagu, Charette!
Howsoe’er we laud and laurel we shall be their debtors yet!
Shame upon us, shame upon us, should the nation e’er forget!