James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
December 28The Death of Queen Mary
By Old BalladI
And the eyes of true subjects are flowing with tears,
For our grief and our sorrow, alas it is great,
Since our gracious Queen Mary departed of late;
By the hand of cold Death she was snatched from the throne,
Having left our most gracious King William alone.
Her soul is conveyed to the regions of joy,
Where there’s nothing her comfort nor peace can annoy,
It is we that are left in sad sorrowful tears,
For the loss of a Queen in the prime of her years:
By the hand of cold Death she was snatched from the throne,
Leaving gracious King William to govern alone.
That the Lord would support him in all his affairs,
That he still may be able our laws to defend,
He has been to the nation, a fatherly friend:
Therefore Heaven, we hope, will establish his throne,
In the spite of his foes though he governs alone.