James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
August 7The Death of Queen Caroline
By Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795–1854)W
Hath found its pillow?—that in long repose
Great Death, the noblest of thy kingly foes,
Hath laid thee, and, with sacred veil outspread,
Guards thee from basest insults? Thou hast led
A solitary course,—among the great
A regal hermitress, despoiled of state,
Or mocked and fretted by one tattered shred
Of melancholy grandeur: thou didst wed
Only to be more mournfully alone!
But now, thy sad regalities o’erthrown,
No more an alien from the common fate,
Thou hast one human blessing for thine own—
A place of rest in Nature’s kindliest bed.