James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
February 5The Ballad of Paco Town
By Clinton Scollard (1860–1932)I
At the height of the tropic noonday hour,
Some Tagal riflemen, half a score,
Watched the length of the highway o’er,
And when to the front the troopers spurred.
Whiz-z! whiz-z! how the Mausers whirred!
Volley on volley went ringing back
Where a band of regulars tried to drive
The stinging rebels out of their hive;
“Wait till our cannon come, and then,”
Cried a captain, striding among his men,
“We’ll settle that bothersome buzz and drone
With a merry little tune of our own!”
And down the calle the thickening flames
Licked the roofs in the tropic noon.
Then through the crackle and glare and heat,
And the smoke and the answering acclaims
Of the rifles, far up the village street
Was heard the clatter of horses’ feet,
And a band of signal-men swung in sight,
Hasting back from the ebbing fight
That had swept away to the left and right.
And over the heads of the signal-men,
As they whirled in desperate gallop past,
The bullets a vicious music made,
Like the whistle and whine of the midnight blast
On the weltering wastes of the ocean when
The breast of the deep is scourged and flayed.
A rebel bullet had clipped the wire
That led, from the front and the fighting, down
To those that stayed in Manilla town;
This gap arrested the watchful eye
Of one of the signal-men galloping by,
And straightway, out of the plunge and press,
He reined his horse with a swift caress
And a word in the ear of the rushing steed;
Then back with never a halt nor heed
Of the swarming bullets he rode, his goal
The parted wire and the slender pole
That stood where the deadly tower looked down
On the rack and ruin of Paco town.
As a schoolboy taking a holiday;
Wire in hand up the pole he went
With never a glance at the tower, intent
Only on that which he saw appear
As the line of his duty plain and clear.
To the very crest he climbed, and there,
While the bullets buzzed in the scorching air,
Clipped his clothing, and scored and stung
The slender pole-top to which he clung,
Made the wire that was severed sound,
Slipped in his careless way to the ground,
Sprang to the back of his horse, and then
Was off, this bravest of signal-men.
Heedless alike of wounds and scars,
Fight for the dear old Stripes and Stars,
Down through the years to us shall be
Ever and ever the victory!