James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
June 12Rugby Chapel
By Matthew Arnold (1822–1888)*****
O strong soul, by what shoreTarriest thou now? For that force,
Surely, has not been left vain.
Somewhere, surely, afar,
In the sounding labor-house vast
Of being, is practised that strength,
Zealous, beneficent, firm!
Yes, in some far-shining sphere,
Conscious or not of the past,
Still thou performest the word
Of the Spirit in whom thou dost live,
Prompt, unwearied, as here!
Still thou upraisest with zeal
The humble good from the ground,
Sternly represseth the bad.
Still, like a trumpet, dost rouse
Those who with half-open eyes
Tread the border-land dim
’Twixt vice and virtue; reviv’st,
Succorest;—this was thy work,
This was thy life upon earth.