James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
August 21Prince Eugene
By AnonymousP
Made a vow in death to bleed, or
Win the emperor back Belgrade:
“Launch pontoons, let all be ready
To bear our ordnance safe and steady
Over the Danube”—thus he said.
When our bridge in marching order
Breasted first the roaring stream;
Then at Semlin, vengeance breathing,
We encamped to scourge the heathen
Back to Mahound, and fame redeem.
Scouts and glorious tidings plenty
Galloped in, through storm and rain;
Turks, they swore, three hundred thousand
Marched to give our prince a rouse, and
Dared us forth to battle-plain.
Met our fine old fighting Tartars
Generals and field marshals all;
Every point of war debated,
Each in his turn the signal waited,
Forth to march and on to fall.
When the word sped round our leaguer:
“Soon as the clock chimes twelve to-night
Then, hold hearts, sound boot and saddle,
Stand to your arms, and on to battle,
Every one that has hands to fight!”
Sword in hand each bosom warming,
Still as death we all advance;
Each prepared, come blows or booty,
German-like to do our duty,
Joining hands in the gallant dance.
Struck a lusty peal to cheer us,
Firing ordnance great and small;
Right and left our cannon thundered,
Till the pagans quaked, and wondered,
And by platoons began to fall.
Bold Eugene cheered on the vanguard;
Ludovic spurred up and down,
Crying, “On, boys; every hand to’t;
Brother Germans nobly stand to’t;
Charge them home, for our old renown!”
Fell in early youth and glory,
Struck from his horse by some curst ball:
Great Eugene long sorrowed o’er him,
For a brother’s love he bore him;
Every soldier mourned his fall.
Cannon peals and musket flashes
O’er his grave due honors paid:
Then, the old black eagle flying,
All the pagan powers defying,
On we marched and stormed Belgrade.