James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
September 10Perry’s Victory
By Old BalladW
To find British bullies or get into their wake,
When we hoisted our canvas with true Yankee speed,
And the brave Captain Perry our squadron did lead.
In the cause of Columbia our brav’ry to show,
To be equal in combat was all our delight,
As we wished the proud Britons to know we could fight.
We could see not, nor find them by day or by night;
So cruising we went in a glorious cause,
In defense of our rights, our freedom, and laws.
Huzzah! says brave Perry, huzzah! says his crew,
And then for the chase, boys, with our brave little crew,
We fell in with the bullies, and gave them “burgoo.”
We brought them to action before it was night;
We let loose our thunder, our bullets did fly,
“Now give them your shot, boys,” our commander did cry.
“Well done,” says brave Perry, “for quarter they’ll cry,
Shot well home, my brave boys, they shortly shall see,
That quite brave as they are, still braver are we.”
And put the proud Britons in a terrible plight,
The brave Perry’s movements will prove fully as bold,
As the famed Admiral Nelson’s prowess of old.
For our country, her glory, the vict’ry was won,
So six sail (the whole fleet) was our fortune to take,
Here’s a health to brave Perry, who governs the Lake.