James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
October 7Lament for Sir Philip Sidney
By Mathew Roydon (c. 1580–1622)Y
That I should live to say I knew,
And have not in possession still!—
Things known permit me to renew.
Of him you know his merit such
I cannot say—you hear—too much.
He chief delight and pleasure took;
And on the mountain Partheny,
Upon the crystal liquid brook,
The muses met him every day,—
Taught him to sing, and write, and say.
His personage seemed most divine;
A thousand graces one might count
Upon his lovely, cheerful eyne.
To hear him speak, and see him smile,
You were in Paradise the while.
A full assurance given by looks;
Continual comfort in a face;
The lineaments of gospel books;
I trow that countenance cannot lie
Whose thoughts are legible in the eye.
Who erst approvèd in his song
That love and honor might agree,
And that pure love will do no wrong.
Sweet saints, it is no sin or blame
To love a man of virtuous name.
In any mortal breast before;
Did never muse inspire beneath
A poet’s brain with finer store.
He wrote of love with high conceit,
And beauty reared above her height.