James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
November 5Inkerman
By Richard Chenevix Trench (1807–1886)C
Rose, as I trace its features in my mind;
A day that in the lap of winter born,
Yet told of autumn scarcely left behind.
Whom quiet sleep had lapped the calm night through,
Changed greetings, lip with lip, and hand to hand,
Old greetings, but which love makes ever new.
From this world’s care, with timely feet we trod
The customary paths of blessed peace,
We worshipped in the temples of our God;
Drew round our hearths again in thankful ease;
With pleasant light we chased away the dark,
We sat at eve with children round our knees.
What, gallant hosts of England, was your cheer,
Who numbered hearts as gentle and as true
As any kneeling at our altars here?
Startled, ye felt a foe on every side;
With mist and gloom and deaths encompassed round,
With even to perish in the light denied.
It was your very agony of strife;
While each of those our golden moments sees
With you the ebbing of some noble life.
Did there and here your dreadful conflict sway;
No Sabbath day’s light work to quell at last
The fearful odds of that unequal fray.
Because ye never your own hope resigned,
But in worst case, beleaguered, overborne,
Did help in God and in your own selves find;
Men, to the meanest and the least of whom,
In reverence of fortitude sublime,
We would rise up, and yield respectful room:
Our Sabbath setting side by side with yours,
Yours was the better and the nobler day,
And days like it have made that ours endures.