James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
June 8In the Round Tower at Jhansi
By Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830–1894)A
Not a hope in the world remained;
The swarming, howling wretches below
Gained and gained and gained.
“Is the time come?”—“The time is come!”—
Young, strong and so full of life:
The agony struck them dumb.
Close her cheek to his,
Close the pistol to her brow—
God forgive them this!
I wish I could bear the pang for both.”
“I wish I could bear the pang alone;
Courage, dear, I am not loath.”
Thus to kiss and die.
One kiss more.”—“And yet one again.”—
“Good by.”—“Good by.”