James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
July 16From “The Fight of Faith”
By Anne Askew (1521–1546)L
Appointed to the field,
With this world will I fight,
And faith shall be my shield.
Which will not fail at need;
My foes, therefore, among
Therewith will I proceed.
To them wilt thou attend,
Undo, therefore, the lock,
And thy strong power send.
Than hairs upon my head;
Let them not me deprave,
But fight thou in my stead.
In prose, nor yet in rhyme;
Yet will I show one sight,
That I saw in my time:
Where Justice should have sit;
But in her stead was one
Of moody, cruel wit.
As by the raging flood;
Satan, in his excess,
Sucked up the guiltless blood.
When thou shalt judge us all,
Hard is it to record
On these men what will fall!
For that they do to me,
Let them not taste the hire
Of their iniquity.