James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
April 6Fitz James O’Brien
By Andrew E. Watrous (d. 1902)T
These streets in ante-bellum ages,
And smoked on street-car steps, and rode
Down Broadway on the tops of stages.
For grim romance, pathetic ditty;
No color from ’cross seas he’d take,
But loved, and learned, and wrote our city.
Of fecund wind—here did he reap
Fine whirlwinds. From the base or top
His path was lighter, being steep.
Wrought starving nights—by sated days
Petted his trooper’s brown moustache,
And sought and strolled life’s sunny ways.
A flaring life with flaming death.
God rest him! There outside the town
He waits the Doomsday trumpet’s breath.
I’ll ask no pity, if a line
Of all I’ve writ in some one’s head
Shall run as some of his in mine.