James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
September 3Execution of the Princess de Lamballe
By William Makepeace Thackeray (1811–1863)From “The Chronicle of the Drum”
Saw many aristocrats fall;
’Twas then that our pikes drank the blood
In the beautiful breast of Lamballe.
Pardi, ’twas a beautiful lady!
I seldom have look’d on her like;
And I drumm’d for a gallant procession,
That marched with her head on a pike.
We said—she’ll remember it well.
She looked from the bars of her prison,
And shriek’d as she saw it, and fell.
We set up a shout at her screaming,
We laugh’d at the fright she had shown
At the sight of the head of her minion—
How she’d tremble to part with her own?”