James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
July 6Edward VI
By William Wordsworth (1770–1850)(Died July 6, 1553)
Time-honored Chaucer speaking through that lay
By which the Prioress beguiled the way,
And many a Pilgrim’s rugged heart did melt.
Hadst thou, loved Bard! whose spirit often dwelt
In the clear land of vision, but forseen
King, child, and seraph, blended in the mein
Of pious Edward kneeling as he knelt
In meek and simple infancy, what joy
For universal Christendom had thrilled
Thy heart! what hopes inspired thy genius, skilled
(O great Precursor, genuine Morning Star)
The lucid shafts of reason to employ,
Piercing the Papal darkness from afar!