James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
June 1Destiny
By Emma Lazarus (1849–1887)B
Transfixed with poisoned spears, beneath the sun
Of brazen Africa! Thy grave is one,
Fore-fated youth (on whom were visited
Follies and sins not thine), whereat the world,
Heartless howe’er it be, will pause to sing
A dirge, to breathe a sigh, a wreath to fling
Of rosemary and rue with bay-leaves curled.
Enmeshed in toils ambitious, not thine own,
Immortal, loved boy-prince, thou tak’st thy stand
With early doomed Don Carlos, hand in hand
With mild-browed Arthur, Geoffrey’s murdered son.
Louis the Dauphin lifts his thorn-ringed head,
And welcomes thee, his brother, ’mongst the dead.