James and Mary Ford, eds. Every Day in the Year. 1902.
April 19Byron
By Craven Langstroth Betts (1853–1941)(Died April 19, 1824)
’Twas Death’s and Fortune’s pact with envious Time.
The vine-wreathed Titan, clothed with power sublime,
Almost accomplished Heaven; defying all,
He braved the levin and the thunder-brawl
Scaling the cliffs of Song; his rebel prime
Pelion on Ossa planted; then with rhyme
Transcendent on his lips reeled down the wall.
Earth heard through all her limits—then sleek jays
Piped chattering funeral, and the charnel kites
Fed on the warm, proud heart; but wide outrang,
Sweet Poesy, thy plaint along the ways,
Nor, Time, shalt thou withhold him tribute rites!