
W.C. Hazlitt, comp. English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. 1907.


FIVE and twenty years have elapsed since Messrs. Reeves and Turner published an edition of 1,500 copies of the present work, exhibiting a text very greatly improved and enlarged, both in the Catalogue and Notes, of the original issue of the volume in 1869, when I had already done all that I reasonably could to render the treatment complete. I have now arranged with the same firm to bring out the result of memoranda and entries inserted in the impression of 1882 from a wide variety of sources, and hope that as a book of reference my labours may prove of general utility and interest. I have to thank Mr. Raymond H. Vose for the communication to me many years since of several valuable additions to my collection; and I am indebted for much serviceable information to the columns of Notes and Queries, and to a paper in the Globe newspaper of February 21, 1890.

W. C. H.
Barnes Common, Surrey. November, 1906.

Pareceme, Sancho, que no hay refran que no sea verdadero, porque todos son sentencias sacadas de la misma esperiencia madre de las ciencias todas.—Don Quixote. Vingt fois sur le metier remettez votre ouvrage.—Boileau. Si judicas cognosce. “The proverbs of several nations were much studied by Bishop Andrews, and the reason he gave was, because by them he knew the minds of several nations, which is a brave thing; as we count him a wise man, that knows the minds and insides of men, which is done by knowing what is habitual to them. Proverbs are habitual to a nation, being transmitted from father to son.”—Selden.