
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  XII. Drawn, cunning Painter, hast thou with great art

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

Laura—Part II

XII. Drawn, cunning Painter, hast thou with great art

Robert Tofte (1561–1620)

DRAWN, cunning Painter, hast thou with great art,

The Shadow [Image] of my lovely LAURA fair;

Which object sweet not smally joys my heart:

But little didst thou think, nor wast thou ’ware,

That where thou thought’st my fancy for to please,

Effect contrary sorts to my desire:

So that it breeds, in body mine, unease;

And, senseless, burns my heart with feeling fire.

O strange success! What made was for content

Doth most displease; and, lifeless, doth torment.