Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Sonnets and Poetical TranslationsXI. You better sure shall live, not evermore
Sir Philip Sidney (15541586)Y
Trying high seas; nor while seas rage, you flee,
Pressing too much upon ill harboured shore.
From filth of foresworn house; and quiet lives,
Released from Court, where envy needs must be.
The stately towers come down with greater fall;
The highest hills, the bolt of thunder cleaves.
With fear of change, the courage well prepared:
Foul winters, as they come; away, they shall!
They shall not last: with cithern, silent Muse,
The same man still, in whom wise doom prevails,
In too full wind, draw in thy swelling sails!