
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  X. My mourning Mistress’s garments, black doth bear

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

Laura—Part II

X. My mourning Mistress’s garments, black doth bear

Robert Tofte (1561–1620)

MY mourning Mistress’s garments, black doth bear;

And I in black, like her, attirèd am!

Yet diverse is the cause why black we wear;

She for another’s death doth shew the same.

I for another reason bear this suit;

Only to show by this, my outward weed,

Mine inward grief (although my tongue be mute)

Of tender heart; which deadly sighs doth bleed.

Thrice happy I, if, as in habit [dress] we

Are both in one, our minds both one might be.