Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DeliaTo the Right Honourable the Lady Mary, Countess of Pembroke
Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)[
O Thou, whom Envy, ev’n, is forced t’admire!
Great Patroness of these my humble rhymes,
Which Thou, from out thy greatness, dost inspire!
Since only Thou hast deigned to raise them higher;
Vouchsafe now, to accept them as thine own!
Begotten by thy hand, and my desire;
Wherein my zeal, and thy great might is shown.
And seeing this unto the world is known;
O leave not, still, to grace thy work in me!
Let not the quickening seed be overthrown,
Of that which may be born to honour Thee!
Whereof, the travail I may challenge mine;
But yet the glory, Madam! must be thine!
Fifty-five Sonnets follow this Dedication, in the 1594 edition of Daniel’s D