Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
LiciaSonnet XXXVII. Sweet, I protest, and seal it with an oath
Giles Fletcher (1586?1623)S
I never saw that so my thoughts did please:
And yet content, displeased I see them wroth
To love so much, and cannot have their ease.
I told my thoughts, “My Sovereign made a pause:
Disposed to grant, but willing to delay.”
They then repined, for that they knew no cause;
And swore they wished She flatly would say “Nay.”
Thus hath my love, my thoughts with treason filled;
And ’gainst my Sovereign taught them to repine:
So thus my treason, all my thoughts hath killed;
And made fair L
But thoughts too rash, my heart doth now repent:
And, as you please, they swear they are content.