Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DeliaSonnet XXX. And yet, I cannot reprehend the flight
Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)[First printed in this edition. ]
Or blame th’attempt, presuming so to soar:
The mounting venture, for a high delight,
Did make the honour of the fall the more.
For who gets wealth, that puts not from the shore?
Danger hath honour! great designs, their fame!
Glory doth follow! courage goes before!
And though th’event oft answers not the same;
Suffice that high attempts have never shame.
The Mean-observer (whom base safety keeps)
Lives without honour, dies without a name;
And in eternal darkness ever sleeps.
And therefore, D
To have attempted, though attained thee not!