Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DeliaSonnet XL. Delia! These eyes that so admireth thine!
Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)D
Have seen those walls the which ambition reared
To check the world. How they, entombed, have lain
Within themselves: and on them ploughs have eared.
Yet found I, that no barbarous hand attained
The spoil of Fame, deserved by virtuous men,
Whose glorious actions, luckily, had gained
Th’eternal annals of a happy pen.
Why then, though D
Though time do spoil her of the fairest veil
That ever yet mortality did cover;
Which must instar the Needle and the Rail.
That grace, that virtue, all that served t’in-woman,
Doth her, unto eternity assommon.