Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
LiciaSonnet XII. I wish sometimes, although a worthless thing
Giles Fletcher (1586?1623)I
Spurred by ambition, glad for to aspire,
Myself a Monarch, or some mighty King:
And then my thoughts do wish for to be higher
But when I view what winds the cedars toss,
What storms men feel that covet for renown;
I blame myself that I have wished my loss:
And scorn a Kingdom, though it give a Crown.
A’ L
My heart’s content, procurer of my bliss;
For whom, a Crown I do esteem as nought:
And Asia’s wealth, too mean to buy a kiss.
Kiss me, sweet Love! this favour do for me;
Then Crowns and Kingdoms shall I scorn for thee.