Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DeliaSonnet V. Whilst Youth and Error led my wandering mind
Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)W
And set my thoughts, in heedless ways to range;
All unawares, a goddess chaste I find,
For her, no sooner had mine eye bewrayed;
But with disdain to see me in that place,
With fairest hand, the sweet unkindest maid
Casts water-cold disdain upon my face:
Which turned my sport into a hart’s despair,
Which still is chased, while I have any breath,
By mine own thoughts, set on me by my Fair.
My thoughts, like hounds, pursue me to my death.
Those that I fostered, of mine own accord,
Are made by her, to murder thus their Lord.