Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DeliaSonnet LV. Lo here, the impost of a faith unfeigning
Samuel Daniel (1562–1619)[First printed, with verbal differences, in Sonnets after Sidney’s Astrophel (1591). ]
That love hath paid, and her disdain extorted!
Behold the message of my just complaining,
That shews the world, how much my grief imported!
These tributary plaints, fraught with desire,
I send those Eyes, the Cabinets of Love!
The Paradise, whereto my hopes aspire,
From out this Hell, which mine afflictions prove.
Wherein I thus do live, cast down from mirth;
Pensive, alone, none but despair about me;
My joys abortive, perished at their birth;
My cares long lived, and will not die without me.
This is my state! and D
I say no more. I fear, I said too much.
F I N I S.