Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
FidessaSonnet LIII. I was a King of sweet Content at least
Bartholomew Griffin (d. 1602)I
But now from out my Kingdom banished!
I was chief guest at fair Dame Pleasure’s feast;
But now I am for want of succour famished!
I was a saint, and heaven was my rest;
But now cast down into the lowest hell!
Vile caitiffs may not live among the blest!
Nor blessed men, amongst cursed caitiffs dwell!
Thus am I made an exile, of a King.
Thus choice of meats, to want of food is changed,
Thus heaven’s loss doth hellish torments bring.
Self crosses make me from myself estranged.
Yet am I still the same, but made another!
Then not the same! Alas, I am no other!