Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaIV. Virtue! alas, now let me take some rest
Sir Philip Sidney (15541586)V
Thou sett’st a bate between my will and wit:
If vain love have my simple soul opprest;
Leave what thou lik’st not! deal not thou with it
Thy sceptre use in some old C
Churches or schools are for thy seat more fit.
I do confess, pardon a fault confest!
My mouth too tender is for thy hard bit.
But if that needs thou wilt usurping be
The little reason that is left in me;
And still th’effect of thy persuasions prove:
I swear my heart, such one shall show to thee,
That shrines in flesh so true a deity;
That V