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Bok, Edward William (1863–1930). The Americanization of Edward Bok. 1921.

Subject Index

Abbey, Edwin A., 245, 259 ff.
Abbott, Lyman, 278, 345, 363, 375.
Abbott, Mrs. Lyman, 175.
Adams, Charles Francis, 60.
Adams, John, 60.
Adams, John Quincy, 60.
Addams, Jane, 303, 375.
Adriatic, 404.
Alcott, Louisa, visit to, 53 ff.; Emerson visited by, 55 ff.; letters from, 232.
American Civic Association, 254, 352 ff.
American Lithographic Company, 27.
American Magazine, 78 ff.
American Red Cross, 389.
American Union Telegraph Company, 71.
Anderson, Mary, visit to, 220.
Anthony, Susan B., 303.
Appleton’s Encyclopædia, 17 ff.
Astor, William Waldorf, 149.
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé Railroad, 253.
Atlanta, 257.
Atlantic Monthly, 378.
Bangs, John Kendrick, 136, 233.
Banker, James H., 17.
Barger, Samuel F., 17.
Baruch, Bernard, 391.
Beauvoir, Mississippi, 26.
Beaverbrook, Lord, 404.
Beecher, Henry Ward, 64 ff., 80 ff., 132, death of, 133 ff.
Belfield, Thomas Dun, 399.
Bell, Alexander Graham, 17.
Bellamy, Edward, 118.
Bernhardt, Sarah, 328.
Blaine, James G., 192 ff.
Blankenburg, Mrs. Rudolph, 301.
Bok, Edward William, arrival of, 1 ff.; first American schooldays of, 2 ff.; homework of, 8 ff.; first money earned by, 9 ff.; first newspaper work of, 12 ff.; first position of, 15 ff.; self-education of, 17 ff., 29; reportorial work of, 29 ff., 61 ff.; Garfield’s letter to, 18; autograph letters collected by, 18 ff.; first literary commission of, 27 ff.; first editorial work of, 28; Grant’s and Hayes’s speeches reported by, 30; President Hayes and, 31 ff.; Boston visit of, 34 ff.; theatre programmes published by, 63; Brooklyn Magazine published by, 65 ff., 78; stock market played by, 69 ff.; publishing business entered by, 78; syndicate newspaper business of, 80 ff.; Beecher’s friendship with, 85, 89 ff.; Bok Syndicate Press organized by, 104; Woman’s page originated by, 104 ff., 149, 152 ff.; Scribner’s employment of, 108 ff., 144 ff.; Stevenson and, 113 ff.; Stockton and, 116 ff.; Curtis’s offer to, 155 ff.; offer accepted by, 158 ff.; Ladies’ Home Journal edited by, 166 ff.; new Curtis building and, 258 ff.; Eugene Field and, 181 ff.; bill-boards and, 253 ff.; Dirty Cities and, 256 ff.; Roosevelt and, 266 ff., 273 ff.; home life of, 268; Suffragists and, 302 ff.; Kipling and, 309 ff.; Niagara Falls and, 352 ff.; war work of, 394 ff.; battle front trip of, 404 ff.; resignation of, 417 ff.
Bok Syndicate Press, 104, 106.
Bok, William, 1, 104, 155.
Bonheur, Rosa, Bok’s visit to, 230 ff.
Book Buyer, The, 111 ff., 141.
Booth, Evangeline, 391.
Boston, 35, 46, 47, 51, 60, 181 ff.
Boston Globe, interview in, 20.
Boston Herald, 275.
Boston Journal, 108.
Boston Transcript, 275.
Bottome, Margaret, 172.
Breadwinners, The, 138.
Brewer, Owen W., 147.
Bridges, Robert, book reviews by, 291.