William Blake (1757–1827). The Poetical Works. 1908.
Edward William Bok: Biographical Data
1863: Born, October 9, at Helder, Netherlands.1870: September 20: Arrived in the United States.1870: Entered public schools of Brooklyn, New York.1873: Obtained first position in Frost’s Bakery, Smith Street, Brooklyn, at 50 cents per week.1876: August 7: Entered employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company as office-boy.1882: Entered employ of Henry Holt & Company as stenographer.1884: Entered employ of Charles Scribner’s Sons as stenographer.1884: Became editor of The Brooklyn Magazine.1886: Founded The Bok Syndicate Press.1887: Published Henry Ward Beecher Memorial (privately printed).1889: October 20: Became editor of The Ladies’ Home Journal.1890: Published Successward: Doubleday, McClure & Company.1894: Published Before He Is Twenty: Fleming H. Revell Company.1896: October 22: Married Mary Louise Curtis.1897: September 7: Son born: William Curtis Bok.1900: Published The Young Man in Business: L. C. Page & Company.1905: January 25: Son born: Cary William Bok.1906: Published Her Brother’s Letters (Anonymous): Moffat, Yard & Company.1907: Degree of LL.D. of Order of Augustinian Fathers conferred by order of Pope Pius X., by the Most Reverend Diomede Falconio, D.D., Apostolic Delegate to the United States, at Villanova College.1910: Degree of LL.D. conferred, in absentia, by Hope College, Holland, Michigan (the only Dutch college in the United States).1911: Founded, with others, The Child Federation of Philadelphia.1912: Published: The Edward Bok Books of Self-Knowledge; five volumes: Fleming H. Revell Company.1913: Founded, with others, The Merion Civic Association, at Merion, Pennsylvania.1915: Published Why I Believe in Poverty: Houghton, Mifflin Company.1916: Published poem, God’s Hand, set to music by Josef Hofmann: Schirmer & Company.1917: Vice-president Philadelphia Belgian Relief Commission.1917: Member of National Y. M. C. A. War Work Council.1917: State chairman for Pennsylvania of Y. M. C. A. War Work Council.1918: Member of Executive Committee and chairman of Publicity Committee, Philadelphia War Chest.1918: Chairman of Philadelphia Y. M. C. A. Recruiting Committee.1918: State chairman for Pennsylvania of United War Work Campaign.1918: August-November: visited the battle-fronts in France as guest of the British Government.1919: September 22: Relinquished editorship of The Ladies’ Home Journal, completing thirty years of service.1920: September 20: Upon the 50th anniversary of arrival in the United States, published The Americanization of Edward Bok.