To the American woman I owe much, but to two women I owe more: my mother and my wife. And, to them I dedicate this account of the boy to whom one gave birth and brought to manhood and the other blessed with all that a home and family may mean. |
Edward Bok |
The Americanization of Edward Bok
The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After
Edward William Bok
Pulitzer Prize–winning autobiography of an influential publisher and editor.
An Explanation With Regard to This Edition Subject Index
An Introduction of Two Persons
- The First Days in America
- The First Job: Fifty Cents a Week
- The Hunger for Self-Education
- A Presidential Friend and a Boston Pilgrimage
- Going to the Theatre with Longfellow
- Phillips Brooks’s Books and Emerson’s Mental Mist
- A Plunge into Wall Street
- Starting a Newspaper Syndicate
- Association with Henry Ward Beecher
- The First “Woman’s Page,” “Literary Leaves,” and Entering Scribner’s
- The Chances for Success
- Baptism Under Fire
- Publishing Incidents and Anecdotes
- Last Years in New York
- Successful Editorship
- First Years as a Woman’s Editor
- Eugene Field’s Practical Jokes
- Building Up a Magazine
- Personality Letters
- Meeting a Reverse or Two
- A Signal Piece of Constructive Work
- An Adventure in Civic and Private Art
- Theodore Roosevelt’s Influence
- Theodore Roosevelt’s Anonymous Editorial Work
- The President and the Boy
- The Literary Back-Stairs
- Women’s Clubs and Woman Suffrage
- Going Home with Kipling, and as a Lecturer
- An Excursion into the Feminine Nature
- Cleaning Up the Patent-Medicine and Other Evils
- Adventures in Civics
- A Bewildered Bok
- How Millions of People Are Reached
- A War Magazine and War Activities
- At The Battle-Fronts in the Great War
- The End of Thirty Years’ Editorship
- The Third Period
- Where America Fell Short with Me
- What I Owe to America
Edward William Bok: Biographical Data
The Expression of a Personal Pleasure