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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

Without a rich heart to Yield not to temptation

Without a rich heart wealth is an ugly beggar.Emerson.

Without a sign his sword the brave man draws, / And asks no omen but his country’s cause.Pope.

Without adversity a man hardly knows whether he is honest or not.Fielding.

Without affecting stoicism, it may be said that it is our business to exempt ourselves as much as we can from the power of external things.Johnson.

Without cheerfulness no man can be a poet.Emerson.

Without discretion learning is pedantry and wit impertinence; virtue itself looks like weakness. The best parts only qualify a man to be more sprightly in errors, and active to his own prejudice.Addison.

Without earnestness there is nothing to be done in life; yet among the people we name cultivated, little earnestness is to be found.Goethe.

Without economy none can be rich, and with it few can be poor.Johnson.

Without enjoyment, the wealth of the miser is the same to him as if it were another’s. But when it is said of a man “he hath so much,” it is with difficulty he can be induced to part with it.Hitopadesa.

Without eyes thou shalt want light: profess not the knowledge therefore that thou hast not.Ecclesiasticus.

Without friends no one would choose to live, even if he had all other good things.Aristotle.

Without God in the world.St. Paul.

Without great men, great crowds of people in a nation are disgusting; like moving cheese, like hills of ants or of fleas—the more, the worse.Emerson.

Without great men nothing can be done.Renan.

Without justice society is sick, and will continue sick till it dies.Froude.

Without me ye can do nothing.Jesus to his disciples.

Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility.Amiel.

Without passion there is no geniality.Mommsen.

Without philosophy we should be little above the lower animals.Voltaire.

Without poetry our science will appear incomplete, and most of what now passes with us for religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry.Matthew Arnold.

Without real masters you cannot have servants.Carlyle.

Without some strong motive to the contrary, men united by the pursuit of a clearly defined common aim of irresistible attractiveness naturally coalesce; and since they coalesce naturally, they are clearly right in coalescing and find their advantage in it.Matthew Arnold.

Without tact you can learn nothing. Tact teaches you when to be silent. Inquirers who are always inquiring never learn anything.I. Disraeli.

Without the spiritual world the material world is a disheartening enigma.Joubert.

Without the way there is no going; without the truth, no knowing; without the life, no living.Thomas à Kempis.

Without were fightings, within were fears.St. Paul.

Without wonder there is no faith.Jean Paul.

Witticisms please as long as we keep them within bounds, but pushed to excess they cause offence.Phædrus.

Witty, above all, O be not witty; none of us is bound to be witty, under penalties; to be wise and true we all are, under the terriblest penalties.Carlyle.

Wives are young men’s mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men’s nurses.Bacon.

Wo der Teufel nicht hin mag; da send er seinen Boten hin—Where the devil cannot come, he will send his messenger.German Proverb.

Wo fasse ich dich, unendliche Natur?—Where can I grasp thee, infinite Nature?Goethe.

Wo grosse Höh’, ist grosse Tiefe—Where there is great height there is great depth.Schiller.

Wo innen Sklaverei ist, wird sie von aussen bald kommen—Where there is slavery in the heart, it will soon show itself in the outward conduct.Seume.

Wo man singet, lass dich ruhig nieder, / Ohne Furcht, was man am Lande glaubt; / Wo man singet wird kein Mensch beraubt; / Bösewichter haben keine Lieder—Where people sing, there quietly settle, never fearing what may be the belief of the people of the land. Where people sing, nobody will be robbed. Bad people have no songs.Seume.

Wo viel Freiheit, ist viel Irrthum—Where there is much freedom there is much error.Schiller.

Wo viel Licht ist, ist starker Schatten—The shadow is deeper where the light is strong.Goethe.

Wo viel zu wagen ist, ist viel zu wägen—Where there is much to risk, there is much to consider.Platen.

Woe does the heavier sit / Where it perceives it is but faintly borne.Richard II., i. 3.

Woe, that too late repents.King Lear, i. 4.

Woe to every sort of culture which destroys the most effectual means of all true culture, and directs us to the end, instead of rendering us happy on the way.Goethe.

Woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.Bible.

Woe to that land that’s govern’d by a child.Richard III., ii. 3.

Woe unto him that is never alone, and cannot bear to be alone.Hamerton.

Woe unto you when all men speak well of you.Jesus.

Woe, woe to youth, to life, which idly boasts, / I am the End, and mine the appointed Way.Lewis Morris.

Wohl unglückselig ist der Mann, / Der unterlasst das, was er kann, / Und unterfängt sich, was er nicht versteht; / Kein Wunder, dass er zu Grunde geht—Unhappy indeed is the man who leaves off doing what he can do, and undertakes to do what he does not understand; no wonder he comes to no good.Goethe.

Wohlgethan überlebt den Tod—Well-done outlives death.German Proverb.

Wohlthätigheit kennt keinen Unterschied der Nation—Charity knows no distinction of nation.Count Moltke.

Wollt ihr auf Menschen wirken, / Müsst ihr erst Menschen werden—Would you have an influence over men, you must first become men.Sallet.

Wollt ihr immer leben?—Would you live for ever?Frederick the Great to his guards, on their complaining of what they thought exposure to unnecessary danger.

Wolves in sheep’s clothing.Jesus, of false prophets.

Woman alone knows true loyalty of affection.Schiller.

Woman, divorced from home, wanders unfriended like a waif upon the wave.Goethe.

Woman endeavours to breed her daughter a fine lady, qualifying her for a station in which she will never appear, and at the same time incapacitating her for that retirement to which she is destined.Lady Montagu.

Woman, in accordance with her unbroken, clear-seeing nature, loses herself, and what she has of heart and happiness, in the object she loves.Jean Paul.

Woman is at once the delight and the terror of man.Amiel.

Woman is like the reed which bends to every breeze, but breaks not in the tempest.Whately.

Woman is mistress of the art of completely embittering the life of the person on whom she depends.Goethe.

Woman is not undevelopt man, / But diverse; could we make her as the man, / Sweet love were slain: his dearest bond is this / Not like to like, but like in difference.Tennyson.

Woman is seldom merciful to the man who is timid.Bulwer Lytton.

Woman is the blood-royal of life; let there be slight degrees of precedency among them, but let them be all sacred.Burns.

Woman is the lesser man.Tennyson.

Woman is the salvation or the destruction of the family.Amiel.

Woman is too soft to hate permanently; even if a hundred men have been a grief to her, she will still love the hundred and first.G. Kinkel.

Woman, last at the cross and earliest at the grave.E. S. Barret.

Woman, once made equal to man, becometh his superior.Socrates.

Woman sees deep; man sees far. To the man the world is his heart; to the woman the heart is her world.Grabbe.

Woman’s at best a contradiction still.Pope.

Woman’s cause is man’s; they rise or sink / Together, dwarfed or godlike, bond or free.Tennyson.

Woman’s counsel is not worth much, yet he that despises it is no wiser than he should be.Cervantes.

Woman’s dignity lies in her being unknown; her glory, in the esteem of her husband; and her pleasure, in the welfare of her family.Rousseau.

Woman’s fear and love hold quantity; / In neither aught, or in extremity.Hamlet, iii. 2.

Woman’s function is a guiding, not a determining one.Ruskin.

Woman’s grief is like a summer storm, short as it is violent.Joanna Baillie.

Woman’s heart is just like a lithographer’s stone—what is once written upon it cannot be rubbed out.Thackeray.

Woman’s love, like lichens upon a rock, will still grow where even charity can find no soil to nurture itself.Bovee.

Woman’s power is for rule, not for battle; and her intellect is not for invention or creation, but for sweet ordering, arrangement, and decision.Ruskin.

Woman’s power is over the affections. A beautiful dominion is hers, but she risks its forfeiture when she seeks to extend it.Bovee.

Woman’s tongue is her sword, which she never lets rust.Mme. Necker.

Woman’s virtue is the music of stringed instruments, which sound best in a room; but man’s that of wind instruments, which sound best in the open air.Jean Paul.

Woman’s work, grave sirs, is never done.Eusden.

Women always show more taste in adorning others than themselves; and the reason is, that their persons are like their hearts—they read another’s better than they can their own.Jean Paul.

Women and clergymen have so long been in the habit of using pretty words without troubling themselves to understand them, that they now revolt from the effort, as if it were impiety.Ruskin.

Women and men of retiring timidity are cowardly only in dangers which affect themselves, but the first to rescue when others are endangered.Jean Paul.

Women are as roses, whose fair flower / Being once display’d, doth fall that very hour.Twelfth Night, ii. 4.

Women are born worshippers.Carlyle.

Women are confined within the narrow limits of domestic assiduity, and when they stray beyond them they move beyond their sphere, and consequently without grace.Goldsmith.

Women are ever in extremes; they are either better or worse than men.La Bruyère.

Women are like limpets, they need something to hold on by.Sigma.

Women are the poetry of the world, in the same sense as the stars are the poetry of heaven. Clear, light-giving, harmonious, they are the terrestrial planets that rule the destinies of mankind.Hargrave.

Women bestow on friendship only what they borrow from love.Chamfort.

Women cannot see so far as men can, but what they do see they see quicker.Buckle.

Women exceed the generality of men in love.La Bruyère.

Women famed for their valour, their skill in politics or their learning, leave the duties of their own sex in order to invade the privileges of men’s.Goldsmith.

Women forgive injuries, but never forget slights.T. C. Haliburton.

Women have a kind of sturdy sufferance which qualifies them to endure beyond, much beyond, the common run of men, but … they are by no means famous for seeing remote consequences in all their real importance.Burns.

Women, it has been observed, are not naturally formed for great cares themselves, but to soften ours.Goldsmith.

Women judge women hardly;… they have no shading, / No softening tints, no generous allowance / For circumstance to make the picture human, / And true because so human.Dr. Walter Smith.

Women know by nature how to disguise their emotions far better than the most consummate male courtiers can do.Thackeray.

Women, like princes, find few real friends.Lord Lyttleton.

Women, like the plants in woods, derive their softness and tenderness from the shade.Landor.

Women may fall when there’s no strength in men.Romeo and Juliet, ii. 3.

Women, priests, and poultry have never enough.Proverb.

Women should learn betimes to serve according to station, for by serving alone she at last attains to the mastery, to the due influence which she ought to possess in the household.Goethe.

Women that are the least bashful are not unfrequently the most modest; and we are never more deceived than when we would infer any laxity of principle from that freedom of demeanour which often arises from a total ignorance of vice.Colton.

Women, though they have the warmest hearts, are no citizens of the world, scarcely citizens of a town or a village, but only of their own home.Jean Paul.

Women who have lost their faith / Are angels who have lost their wings.Dr. Walter Smith.

Women wish to be loved, not because they are pretty, or good, or well-bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves.Amiel.

Women’s hearts are made of stout leather; there’s a plaguy sight of wear in them.Judge Haliburton.

Women’s jars breed men’s wars.Proverb.

Women’s rage, like shallow water, / Does but show their hurtless nature; / When the stream seems rough and frowning, / There is still least fear of drowning.Durfey.

Women’s sins are not alone the ills they do, / But those that they provoke you to.Dr. Walter Smith.

Wonder is from surprise, and surprise ceases upon experience.South.

Wonder on till truth make all things plain.Mid. N.’s Dream, v. 1.

“Wonder,” says Aristotle, “is the first cause of philosophy.” This is quite as true in the progress of the individual as in that of the concrete mind; and the constant aim of philosophy is to destroy its parent.Bulwer Lytton.

Wondrous indeed is the virtue of a true book. Not like a dead city of stones, yearly crumbling, yearly needing repair; more like a tilled field, but then a spiritual field; like a spiritual tree, let me rather say, it stands from year to year, and from age to age (we have books that already number some one hundred and fifty human ages); and yearly comes its new produce of leaves (commentaries, deductions, philosophical, political systems, or were it only sermons, pamphlets, journalistic essays), every one of which, is talismanic and thaumaturgic, for it can persuade men.Carlyle.

Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, altogether past calculation its powers of endurance.Carlyle.

Woodman, spare that tree! / Touch not a single bough! / In youth it sheltered me, / And I’ll protect it now.G. P. Morris.

Words are also actions, and actions are a kind of words.Emerson.

Words are but poor interpreters in the realms of emotion. When all words end, music begins; when they suggest, it realises; and hence the secret of its strange, ineffable power.H. R. Haweis.

Words are but wind, but seein’s believin’.Scotch Proverb.

Words are fools’ pence.Proverb.

Words are good, but they are not the best. The best is not to be explained by words.Goethe.

Words are like leaves, and when they most abound / Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.Pope.

Words are like sea-shells on the shore; they show / Where the mind ends, and not how far it has been.Bailey.

Words are men’s daughters, but God’s sons are things.Izaak Walton.

Words are rather the drowsy part of poetry; imagination the life of it.Owen Feltham.

Words are the motes of thought, and nothing more.Bailey.

Words are things, and a small drop of ink, / Falling like dew upon a thought, produces / That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.Byron.

Words are wise men’s counters, but they are the money of fools.Hobbes.

Words are women, deeds are men.George Herbert.

Words become luminous when the finger of the poet touches them with his phosphorus.Joubert.

Words do sometimes fly from the tongue that the heart did neither hatch nor harbour.Feltham.

Words, like Nature, half reveal / And half conceal the soul within.Tennyson.

Words may be counterfeit, false coined, and current only from the tongue, without the mind; but passion is in the soul, and always speaks the heart.Southern.

Words of love are works of love.W. R. Alger.

Words pay no debts.Troil. and Cress., iii. 2.

Words that are now dead were once alive.A. Coles.

Words, “those fickle daughters of the earth,” are the creation of a being that is finite, and when applied to explain that which is infinite, they fail; for that which is made surpasses not the maker; nor can that which is immeasurable by our thoughts be measured by our tongues.Colton.

Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath give.Macbeth, ii. 1.

Words which flow fresh and warm from a full heart, and which are instinct with the life and breath of human feeling, pass into household memories, and partake of the immortality of the affections from which they spring.Whipple.

Words without thoughts never to heaven go.Hamlet, iii. 3.

Work, according to my feeling, is as much of a necessity to man as eating and sleeping. Even those who do nothing which to a sensible man can be called work, still imagine that they are doing something. The world possesses not a man who is an idler in his own eyes.W. von Humboldt.

Work alone is noble.Carlyle.

“Work and wait,” “Work and wait,” is what God says to us in creation and in providence.J. G. Holland.

Work earnestly at anything, you will by degrees learn to work at almost all things.Carlyle.

Work first, you are God’s servants; fee first, you are the fiend’s.Ruskin.

Work for eternity: not the meagre rhetorical eternity of the periodical critics, but for the real eternity, wherein dwelleth the Divine.Carlyle.

Work for immortality if you will: then wait for it.J. G. Holland.

Work for some good, be it ever so slowly; / Cherish some flower, be it ever so lowly; / Labour! all labour is noble and holy: / Let thy great deeds be thy prayer to thy God.Francis S. Osgood.

Work, go, fall, rise, speak, be silent! In this manner do the rich sport with those needy men, who are held by the grip of dependence.Hitopadesa.

Work is for the living.Carlyle.

Work is not man’s punishment; it is his reward and his strength, his glory and his pleasure.George Sand.

Work is of a religious nature,—work is of a brave nature, which it is the aim of all religion to be. “All work of man is as the swimmer’s.” A waste ocean threatens to devour him; if he front it not bravely, it will keep its word. By incessant wise defiance of it, lusty rebuke and buffet of it, behold how it loyally supports him,—bears him as its conqueror along! “It is so,” says Goethe, “with all things that man undertakes in this world.”Carlyle.

Work is only done well when it is done with a will.Ruskin.

Work is our business; its success is God’s.German Proverb.

Work is the cure for all the maladies and miseries of man—honest work, which you intend getting done.Carlyle.

Work is the inevitable condition of human life, the true source of human welfare.Tolstoi.

Work is the mission of man on this planet.Carlyle.

Work is the only universal currency which God accepts. A nation’s welfare will depend on its ability to master the world; that, on power of work; that, on its power of thought.Theodore Parker.

Work, properly so called, is an appeal from the Seen to the Unseen—a devout calling upon Higher Powers; and unless they stand by us, it will not be a work, but a quackery.Carlyle.

Work till the last beam fadeth, / Fadeth to shine no more; / Work while the night is darkening, / When man’s work is o’er.Walker.

Work touches the keys of endless activity, opens the infinite, and stands awe-struck before the immensity of what there is to do.Phillips Brooks.

Work was made for man, and not man for work.J. G. Holland.

Work without hope draws nectar in a sieve, / And hope without an object cannot live.Coleridge.

Work, work, work, / Till the brain begins to swim; / Work, work, work, / Till the eyes are heavy and dim; / Seam, and gusset, and band, / Band, and gusset, and seam, / Till over the buttons I fall asleep, / And sow them on in a dream.Hood.

Works of true merit are seldom very popular in their own day; for knowledge is on the march, and men of genius are the “præstolatores” or “videttes,” that are far in advance of their comrades. They are not with them, but before them; not in the camp, but beyond it.Colton.

Worldly affairs, which my friends thought so heavy upon me, they are most of them of our own making, and fall away as soon as we know ourselves.Law.

Worldly riches are like nuts; many clothes are torn in getting them, many a tooth broke in cracking them, but never a belly filled with eating them.R. Venning.

Worse than being fool’d / Of others, is to fool one’s self.Tennyson.

Worse than despair, / Worse than the bitterness of death, is hope: / It is the only ill which can find place / Upon the giddy, sharp, and narrow hour / Tottering beneath us.Shelley.

Worship is transcendent wonder; wonder for which there is no limit or measure.Carlyle.

Worship that is false will kill the soul as quickly as no worship.Saying.

Worship your heroes from afar; contact withers them.Mme. Necker.

Worte sind der Seele Bild—Words are the soul’s magic.Goethe.

Worte sind gut, wenn Werke folgen—Words are good if works follow.German Proverb.

Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow; / The rest is all but leather or prunello.Pope.

Worth many thousand is the first salute; / Him that salutes thee, therefore, friendly greet.Goethe.

Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.Socrates.

Would they could sell us experience, though at diamond prices, but then no one would use the article second-hand!Balzac.

Would we but pledge ourselves to truth as heartily as we do to a real or imaginary mistress, and think life too short only because it abridges our time of service, what a new world we should have.Lowell.

Would we but quit ourselves like men, and resolutely stand our ground, we should not fail of succours from above.Thomas à Kempis.

Would Wisdom for herself be wooed, / And wake the foolish from his dream, / She must be glad as well as good, / And must not only be, but seem.Coventry Patmore.

Would you have men think well of you, then do not speak well of yourself.Pascal.

Wouldst thou a maiden make thy prize, / Thyself alone the bribe must be.Goethe.

Wouldst thou both eat thy cake and have it?George Herbert.

Wouldst thou know thyself, then see how others act; wouldst thou understand others, look thou into thine own heart.Schiller.

Wouldst thou plant for eternity? then plant into the deep infinite faculties of man, his fantasy and heart. Wouldst thou plant for year and day? then plant into his shallow superficial faculties, his self-love and arithmetical understanding, what will grow there.Carlyle.

“Wouldst thou,” so the helmsman answered, / “Learn the secret of the sea? / Only those who brave its dangers / Comprehend its mystery!”Longfellow.

Wouldst thou subject all things to thyself? Subject thyself to reason.Seneca.

Wouldst thou the life of souls discern? / Nor human wisdom nor divine / Helps thee by aught beside to learn; / Love is life’s only sign.Keble.

Wouldst thou travel the path of truth and goodness? Never deceive either thyself or others.Goethe.

Wounds and hardships provoke our courage, and when our fortunes are at the lowest, our wits and minds are commonly at the best.Charron.

Wounds cannot be cured without searching.Bacon.

Wrap thyself up like a woodlouse, and dream revenge.Congreve.

Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.Proverb.

Write how you will, the critic shall show the world you could have written better.Goldsmith.

Write, so much given to God; thou shalt be heard.George Herbert.

Write thy wrongs in ashes.Sir Thomas Browne.

Writers of novels and romances in general bring a double loss on their readers—they rob them both of their time and money; representing men, manners, and things, that never have been, nor are likely to be; either confounding or perverting history and truth, inflating the mind, or committing violence upon the understanding.Mary Wortley Montagu.

Writing is not literature unless it gives to the reader a pleasure which arises not only from the things said, but from the way in which they are said; and that pleasure is only given when the words are carefully or curiously or beautifully put together into sentences.Stopford Brooke.

Written all of it (Christianity) in us already in sympathetic ink. Bible awakens it, and you can read.Dr. Chalmers to Carlyle in conversation.

Wrong is not only different from right, but it is in strict scientific terms infinitely different.Carlyle.

Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it for ever. It implies a discovery of weaknesses, which we are much more careful to conceal than crimes. Many a man will confess his crimes to a common friend, but I never knew a man who would tell his silly weaknesses to his most intimate one.Chesterfield.

Würf er einen Groschen auf’s Dach, fiel ihm ein Thaler herunter—If he threw a penny up, a dollar came down.German Proverb.

Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.Jesus to his disciples.

Ye are the light of the world.Jesus to his disciples.

Ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you.Job.

Ye are the salt of the earth.Jesus to his disciples.

Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.Jesus.

Ye cannot serve God and mammon.Jesus.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; / The clouds ye so much dread / Are big with mercy, and shall break / In blessings on your head.Cowper.

Ye gentlemen of England / That live at home at ease, / Ah! little do you think upon / The dangers of the seas.Martyn Parker.

Ye gods, it doth amaze me / A man of such a feeble temper should / So get the start of the majestic world / And bear the palm alone.Julius Cæsar, i. 2.

Ye good yeomen, whose limbs were made in England.Henry V., iii. 1.

Ye hae a stalk o’ carl-hemp in you.Scotch Proverb.

Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.Jesus to his disciples.

Ye mariners of England, / That guard our native seas, / Whose flag has braved a thousand years / The battle and the breeze.Campbell.

Ye may darken over the blue heavens, ye vapoury masses in the sky. It matters not! Beyond the howling of that wrath, beyond the blackness of those clouds, there shines, unaltered and serene, the moon that shone in Paradise…. The moon that promises a paradise restored.Mrs. Gatty.

Ye men of gloom and austerity, who paint the face of Infinite Benevolence with an eternal frown, read in the everlasting book, wide open to your view, the lesson it would teach. Its pictures are not in black and sombre hues, but bright and glowing tints; its music—save when ye drown it—is not in sighs and groans, but songs and cheerful sounds. Listen to the million voices in the summer air, and find one dismal as your own.Dickens.

Ye shall know them by their fruits.Jesus.

Ye stars! which are the poetry of heaven!… In our aspirations to be great, / Our destinies o’erleap their mortal state, / And claim a kindred with you; for ye are / A beauty and a mystery, and create / In us such love and reverence from afar, / That fortune, fame, power, life, have named themselves a star.Byron.

Ye think the rustic cackle of your bourg / The murmur of the world.Tennyson.

Ye’ll find mankind an unco squad, / And muckle they may grieve ye.Burns.

Yea, let all good things await / Him who cares not to be great, / But as he serves or serves the state.Tennyson.

Yea, surely the sea like a harper laid hand on the shore as a lyre.Swinburne.

Year chases year, decay pursues decay, / Still drops some joy from withering life away.Johnson.

Years do not make sages; they only make old men.Mme. Swetchine.

Years following years steal something every day; / At last they steal us from ourselves away.Pope.

Years steal / Fire from the mind as vigour from the limb, / And life’s enchanted cup but sparkles near the brim.Byron.

Yes, there are things we must dream and dare, / And execute ere thought be half aware.Byron.

Yes, you find people ready enough to do the good Samaritan without the oil and twopence.Sydney Smith.

Yet a little while, and we shall all meet there, and our Mother’s bosom will screen us all; and Oppression’s harness, and Sorrow’s fire-whip, and all the Gehenna bailiffs that patrol and inhabit ever-vexed Time, cannot harm us any more.Carlyle.

Yet all that poets sing, and grief hath known, / Of hopes laid waste, knells in that word—Alone.Bulwer Lytton.

Yet better thus, and known to be contemn’d, / Than still contemn’d and flatter’d.King Lear, iv. 1.

Yet do I fear thy nature; / It is too full o’ the milk o’ human kindness.Macbeth, i. 5.

Yet I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs, / And the thoughts of men are widen’d by the process of the suns.Tennyson.

Yet I’ve heard say, by wise men in my day, / That none are outwitted so easy as they / Who reckon with all men as if they suspect them, / And traffic in caution, and watch to detect them.Dr. Walter Smith.

Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, / The Scripture assures us the Lord will provide.Newton.

Yet taught by Time, my heart has learned to glow / For other’s good and melt at other’s woe.Pope.

Yet there are surely times when there is nought / So needed as unsettling, just to get / Out of old ruts, and seek a nobler life.Dr. Walter Smith.

Yet this grief / Is added to the griefs the great must bear, / That howsoever much they may desire / Silence, they cannot weep behind a cloud.Tennyson.

Yield not thy neck / To fortune’s yoke, but let thy dauntless mind / Still ride in triumph over all mischance.3 Henry VI., iii. 3.

Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin; / Each victory will help you some other to win.H. M. Palmer.