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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

To act is easy to To popular religion

To act is easy, to think is hard; to act according to our thought is troublesome.Goethe.

To act with a purpose is what raises man above the brutes; to invent with a purpose, to imitate with a purpose, is that which distinguishes genius from the petty artists who only invent to invent, and imitate to imitate.Lessing.

To adhere to what is set down in them, and appropriate to one’s self what one can for moral strengthening and culture, is the only edifying purpose to which we can turn the Gospels.Goethe.

To affect a quality is just to confess that you have not got it.Schopenhauer.

To aim at excellence, our reputation, our friends, and our all must be ventured; by aiming only at mediocrity, we run no risk and we do little service.Goldsmith.

To an ill-conditioned being all pleasure is like delicate wine in a mouth embittered with gall.Schopenhauer.

To answer a question so as to admit of no reply, is the test of a man.Emerson.

To appear well-bred, a man must actually be so.Goethe.

To appreciate the noble is a gain which can never be torn from us.Goethe.

To arrive at perfection, a man should have very sincere friends or inveterate enemies; because he would be made sensible of his good or ill conduct, either by the censures of the one or the admonitions of the other.Diogenes.

To attack vices in the abstract without touching persons, may be safe fighting indeed, but it is fighting with shadows.Junius.

To banish care, scare away sorrow, and soothe pain is the business of the poet, or singer (Sänger).Bodenstedt.

To be a good poet and painter genius is required, and this cannot be communicated.Goethe.

To be a man’s own fool is bad enough; but the vain man is everybody’s.William Penn.

To be a philosopher is but a retreat from the world, as it is man’s, into the world, as it is God’s.Cowley.

To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live, according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust. It is to solve some of the problems of life, not only theoretically, but practically.Thoreau.

To be a poet is to have a soul in which knowledge passes instantaneously into feeling, and feeling flashes back as a new organ of knowledge.George Eliot.

To be able simply to say of a man he has character, is not only saying much of him, but extolling him; for this is a rarity which excites respect and wonder.Goethe.

To be able to be silent shows power; to be willing to be silent shows forbearance (Nachsicht); to be compelled to be silent shows the spirit of the time.Weber.

To be acquainted with the merit of a Ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people.Junius.

To be always lamenting and always complaining without raising and nerving one’s self to resignation, is to lose at once both earth and heaven, and have nothing over but a watery sentimentalism.Schopenhauer.

To be always thinking about your manners is not the way to make them good; because the very perfection of manners is not to think about yourself.Whately.

To be an enthusiast is to be the worthiest of affection, the noblest and the best that a mortal can be.Wieland.

To be angry is to avenge the faults of others upon ourselves.Pope.

To be as good as our fathers, we must be better. Imitation is not discipleship. When some one sent a cracked plate to China to have a set made, every piece in the new set had a crack in it.Wendell Phillips.

To be bodily tranquil, to speak little, and to digest without effort are absolutely necessary to grandeur of mind or of presence, or to proper development of genius.Balzac.

To be born in a duck’s nest in a farmyard is of no consequence to a bird if it is hatched from a swan’s egg.Hans Andersen.

To be born with a silver spoon in the mouth.Proverb.

To be borne seems to many ever more kingly than to bear; and a ship carried with the breeze is, in their eyes, a lordlier spectacle than when it stands against it, victoriously braving it.James Wood.

To be disobedient through temptation is human sin; but to be disobedient for the sake of disobedience, fiendish sin. To be obedient for the sake of success in conduct is human virtue; to be obedient for the sake of obedience, angelic virtue.Ruskin.

To be ever beloved, one must be ever agreeable.Lady Montagu.

To be free is not to do nothing, but to be the sole arbiter of what we do and what we leave undone.La Bruyère.

To be good and disagreeable is high treason against the royalty of virtue.Hannah More.

To be great is to be misunderstood.Emerson.

To be great one must be positive, and gain strength through foes.Donn Piatt.

To be guided in the right path by those who know better than they is the first “right of man,” compared with which all other rights are as nothing.Carlyle.

To be happy is not the purpose of our being, but to deserve happiness.Fichte.

To be happy means to be sufficient for one’s self.Aristotle.

To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.Hamlet, ii. 2.

To be idle and to be poor have always been reproaches; and therefore every man endeavours with his utmost care to hide his poverty from others, and his idleness from himself.Johnson.

To be ill thought of is sometimes for thy good,… if thou seek not thy own glory, but His that sent thee, the affliction will not be very grievous to be borne.Thomas à Kempis.

To be in too great a hurry to discharge an obligation is itself a kind of ingratitude.La Rochefoucauld.

To be introduced into a decent company, there is need of a dress cut according to the taste of the public to which one wishes to present one’s self.Goethe.

To be magnanimous—mighty of heart, mighty of mind—is to be great in life; to become this increasingly is to “advance in life.”Ruskin.

To be mindful of an absent friend in the hours of mirth and feasting, when his company is least wanted, shows no slight degree of sincerity.Goldsmith.

To be misunderstood is the cross and bitterness of life.Amiel.

To be obliged to wear black, and buy it into the bargain, is more than my tranquillity of temper can bear.Goldsmith.

To be once in doubt is once to be resolved.Othello, iii. 3.

To be, or not to be, that is the question; / Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The stings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take up arms against a sea of troubles, / And, by opposing, end them.Hamlet, iii. 1.

To be perfectly just, is an attribute of the divine nature; to be so to the utmost of our abilities is the glory of man. (?)

To be poor, and to seem poor, is a certain method never to rise.Goldsmith.

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.Washington.

To be provoked with every slanderous word argues a littleness of soul, a want of due regard to God.Thomas à Kempis.

To be rich is to have a ticket of admission to the master-works and chief men of each race.Emerson.

To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old.Holmes.

To be spiritually minded is life and peace.Paul.

To be thus is nothing; / But to be safely thus.Macbeth, iii. 1.

To be true in heart and just in act are the first qualities necessary for the elevation of humanity.Froude.

To be vain is rather a mark of humility than pride.Swift.

To be vain of one’s rank or place is to disclose that one is below it.Stanislaus.

To be weak is miserable, / Doing or suffering.Milton.

To be wholly loved with the whole heart, one must be suffering.Heine.

To be wise and love exceeds man’s might.Troil. and Cress., iii. 2.

To be without a servant in this world is not good; but to be without a master, it appears, is a still fataller predicament for some.Carlyle.

To be without passion is worse than a beast; to be without reason is to be less than a man.A. Warwick.

To be wroth with one we love, / Doth work like madness in the brain.Coleridge.

To be young is to be as one of the immortals.Hazlitt.

To bear is to conquer our fate.Campbell.

To become properly acquainted with a truth, we must first have disbelieved it and disputed against it.Novalis.

To beguile the time, / Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, / Your hand, your tongue; look like the innocent flower; / But be the serpent under ’t.Macbeth, i. 5.

To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men—that is genius.Emerson.

To blow is not to play the flute; you must move the fingers as well.Goethe.

To breed a fresh soul, is it not like brooding a fresh (celestial) egg, wherein as yet all is formless, powerless? Yet by degrees organic elements and fibres shoot through the watery albumen; out of vague sensation grows thought, grows fantasy and force, and we have philosophies, dynasties, nay, poetries and religions.Carlyle.

To bring nations to surrender themselves to new ideas is not the affair of a day.Draper.

To bring the generality of admirers on our side, it is sufficient to attempt pleasing a very few.Goldsmith.

To business that we love we rise betime, / And go to ’t with delight.Ant. and Cleop., iv. 4.

To call a man ungrateful is to sum up all the evil he can be guilty of.Swift.

To carry on the feelings of childhood into the powers of manhood, to combine the child’s sense of wonder and novelty with the appearances which every day, for perhaps forty years, has rendered familiar; this is the character and privilege of genius, and one of the marks which distinguish genius from talent.Coleridge.

To cast away a virtuous friend is as bad as to cast away one’s own life, which one loves best.Sophocles.

To catch dame Fortune’s golden smile, / Assiduous wait upon her; / And gather gear by ev’ry wile / That’s justified by honour; / Not for to hide it in a hedge, / Nor for a train attendant, / But for the glorious privilege / Of being independent.Burns.

To circumstances and custom the law must yield.Danish Proverb.

To climb a tree to catch a fish is talking much and doing nothing.Chinese Proverb.

To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first.Henry VIII., i. 1.

To confess Christ is, first, to believe righteously, truthfully, and continently; and, then, to separate ourselves from those who are manifestly or by profession rogues, liars, and fornicators.Ruskin.

To conquer inclination is difficult, but if habit, taking root, gradually associates itself with it, then it is unconquerable.Goethe.

To conquer without danger would be to conquer without glory.Corneille.

To consume your own choler, as some chimneys consume their own smoke; to keep a whole Satanic school spouting, if it must spout, inaudibly, is a negative yet no slight virtue, nor one of the commonest in these times.Carlyle.

To corporeal beings unthought-of troubles arise; so, in like manner, do blessings make their appearance. In this, I think Providence hath extended them farther than usual.Hitopadesa.

To dance attendance on their lordships’ pleasures.Henry VIII., v. 2.

To-day comes only once, and never again returns.Schopenhauer.

To-day is a king in disguise.Emerson.

To-day is ours, we have it here,… / To the gods belong to-morrow.Cowley.

To-day must not borrow of to-morrow.German Proverb.

To deny is easy; nothing is sooner learned or more generally practised. As matters go, we need no man of polish to teach it; but rather, if possible, a hundred men of wisdom to show us its limits and teach us its reverse.Carlyle.

To depersonalise man is the dominant drift of our epoch.Amiel.

To despise our own species is the price we must too often pay for a knowledge of it.Colton.

To die for truth is not to die for one’s country but to die for the world.Jean Paul.

To die is landing on some silent shore, / Where billows never break nor tempests roar.S. Garth.

To die, to sleep; / No more; and by a sleep to say we end / The heartache and the thousand natural shocks / That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation / Devoutly to be wished.Hamlet, iii. 1.

To die, to sleep; / No more! perchance to dream; ay, there’s the rub; / For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, / When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, / Must give us pause.Hamlet, iii. 1.

To do as much good and as little evil as we can is the brief and intelligible principle that comprehends all subordinate maxims.R. Sharp.

To do easily what is difficult for others is the mark of talentAmiel.

To do good to the ungrateful is to throw rose-water into the sea.Proverb.

To do him any wrong was to beget / A kindness from him, for his heart was rich, / Of such fine mould, that if you sow’d therein / The seed of Hate, it blossom’d Charity.Tennyson.

To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.Bible.

To do no evil is good; to intend none is better.Claudius.

To do nothing by halves is the way of noble minds.Wieland.

To do, one must be doing.French Proverb.

To do what is impossible for talent is the mark of genius.Amiel.

To doubt is to dip love in the mire.J. M. Barrie.

To draw a long bow, i.e., exaggerate.Proverb.

To dread no eye, and to suspect no tongue, is the greatest prerogative of innocence; an exemption granted only to invariable virtue.Johnson.

To dwell alone is the fate of all great souls.Schopenhauer.

To each nation its believed history is its Bible.Carlyle.

To eat or drink too much, to play too much, to work too much, or to grumble too much—all these are equally pernicious.John Wagstaffe.

To educate the intelligence is to enlarge the horizon of its desires and wants.Lowell.

To educate the wise man, the State exists; and with the appearance of the wise man, the State expires. The wise man is the State.Emerson.

To elevate above the spirit of the age must be regarded as the end of education.Jean Paul.

To endeavour all one’s days to fortify our minds with learning and philosophy is to spend so much in armour that one has nothing left to defend. (?)

To endeavour to work upon the vulgar with fine sense is like attempting to hew blocks with a razor.Pope.

To endure is the first and most necessary lesson a child has to learn.Rousseau.

To equal a predecessor, one must have twice his worth.Gracian.

To err is human, to forgive divine.Pope.

To escape from arrangements that tortured me, my heart sought refuge in the world of ideas, when as yet I was unacquainted with the world of realities, from which iron bars excluded me.Schiller at his training-school.

To every deep there is a deeper still.Proverb.

To everything there is a season.Bible.

To excite a fierce dog to capture a lame rabbit is to attack a contemptible enemy.Chinese Proverb.

To expect an author to talk as he writes is ridiculous; or even if he did, you would find fault with him as a pedant.Hazlitt.

To express the most difficult matters clearly, and everything intelligibly, is to strike coins out of pure gold.Geibel.

To fail at all is to fail utterly.Lowell.

To fear is easy, but grievous; to reverence is difficult, but satisfactory.Goethe.

To fear the foe, since fear oppresseth strength, / Gives, in your weakness, strength unto your foe.Richard II., iii. 2.

To feel and respect a great personality, one must be something one’s self.Goethe.

To fight and die is death destroying death; / Where fearing dying, pays death servile breath.Richard II., iii. 2.

To fight with its neighbours never was, and is now less than ever, the real trade of England.Carlyle.

To fill the hour, that is happiness.Emerson.

To find out your real opinion of any one, observe the impression made upon you by the first sight of a letter from him.Schopenhauer.

To find recreation in amusement is not happiness.Pascal.

To fix a child’s attention on what is present, to give him a description of a name, is the best thing we can do for him.Goethe.

To forget a wrong is the best revenge.Italian Proverb.

To forgive and forget is to throw away dearly-bought experience.Schopenhauer.

To form a poet, the heart must be full to overflowing of noble feeling.Goethe.

To free a man from error is to give, and not to take away.Schopenhauer.

To gain what is fit ye’re able, / If ye in faith can but excel; / Such are the myths of fable, / If ye have observed them well.Goethe.

To gather riches do not hazard health; / For, truth to say, health is the wealth of wealth.Sir Richard Baker.

To genius irregularity is incident, and the greatest genius is often marked by eccentricity, as if it disdained to move in the vulgar orbit.Brougham.

To genius life never grows commonplace.Lowell.

To get general ideas first and make particular observations last is to invert the process of education.Schopenhauer.

To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, / To throw a perfume on the violet, / To smooth the ice, or add another hue / Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light / To seek the beauteous eve of heaven to garnish, / Is wasteful and ridiculous excess.King John, iii. 1.

To give alms is nothing unless you give thought also, and therefore it is written, not “Blessed is he that feedeth the poor,” but “Blessed is he that considereth the poor.”Ruskin.

To give should be our pleasure, but to receive our shame.Goldsmith.

To give the world more than it gives us, to love it more than it loves us, and never to make suit for its applause, ensures a peaceful life and a happy departure.Bodenstedt.

To give to the human mind a direction which it shall retain for ages is the rare prerogative of a few imperial spirits.Macaulay.

To go back is easy, if we have missed our way on the road uphill; it is impossible only when the road is downhill.Froude.

To go beyond the bounds of moderation is to outrage humanity.Pascal.

To God belongeth the east and the west; therefore, whithersoever ye turn yourselves to pray, there is the word of God, for God is omnipresent and omniscient.Koran.

To govern men, you must either excel them in their accomplishments or despise them.Disraeli.

To grasp, to seize, is the essence of all mastery.Goethe.

To great evils one must oppose great virtues; and also to small, which is the harder task of the two.Carlyle.

To guard from error is not the instructor’s business; but to lead the erring pupil.Goethe.

To guide scoundrels by love is a method that will not hold together; hardly for the flower of men will love do; and for the sediment and scoundrelism of them it has not even a chance to do.Carlyle.

To have a respect for ourselves guides our morals; and to have a deference for others governs our manners.Sterne.

To have all one’s wants satisfied is something intolerable.Schopenhauer.

To have any chance of lasting, a book must satisfy, not merely some fleeting fancy of the day, but a constant longing and hunger of human nature.Lowell.

To have ascertained what is ascertainable, and calmly to reverence what is not, is the fairest portion that can fall to a thinking man.Goethe.

To have done anything by which you earned money merely is to have been truly idle, or worse.Thoreau.

To have done, is to hang / Quite out of fashion, like a rusty mail, / In monumental mockery.Troil. and Cress., iii. 3.

To have gold is to be in fear, and to want it to be in sorrow.Johnson.

To have heard the voice / Of Godhead in the winds and in the seas, / To have known him in the circling of the suns, / And in the changeful fates and lives of men.Lewis Morris.

To have ideas is to gather flowers; to think is to weave them into garlands.Mme. Swetchine.

To have neither superior, nor inferior, nor equal, united manlike to you; without father, without child, without brother,—man knows no sadder destiny.Carlyle.

To have no assistance from other minds in resolving doubts, in appeasing scruples, in balancing deliberations, is a very wretched destitution.Johnson.

To have no pain, and not be bored, is the utmost happiness possible to man on earth.Schopenhauer.

To have read the greatest works of any great poet, to have beheld or heard the greatest works of any great painter or musician, is a possession added to the best things of life.Swinburne.

To have religion upon authority, and not upon conviction, is like a finger-watch, to be set forwards or backwards, as he pleases that has it in keeping.William Penn.

To have the fear of God before our eyes, and, in our mutual dealings with each other, to govern our actions by the eternal measures of right and wrong; the first of these will comprehend the duties of religion; the second, those of morality.Sterne.

To have the gift of life and bread to sustain it with can never suffice as a substitute for the ministry and service which the life itself is given us that we may fulfil. To find and work out this is man’s only satisfaction and true reward.James Wood.

To hear complaints is wearisome alike to the wretched and the happy.Johnson.

To Him no high, no low, no great, no small; / He fills, He bounds, connects and equals all.Pope.

To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.St. James.

To his (the host’s) imagination all things travel save his sign-post and himself.Thoreau.

To hold, as ’twere, the mirror up to nature.Hamlet, iii. 2.

To holy tears, / In lonely hours, Christ risen appears; / In social hours, who Christ would see / Must turn all tasks to charity.Keble.

To imitate the style of another is said to be wearing a mask. However beautiful it may be, it is through its lifelessness insipid and intolerable, so that even the most ugly living face is more engaging.Schopenhauer.

To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.Johnson.

To judge by the event is an error all abuse and all commit; for in every instance, courage, if crowned with success, is heroism; if clouded by defeat, temerity.Colton.

To judge is to see clearly, to care for what is just.Amiel.

To keep the wolf from the door.Proverb.

To know a man, observe how he wins his object, rather than how he loses it; for when we fail, our pride supports us,—when we succeed, it betrays us.Colton.

To know by rote is no knowledge; it is only to retain in the memory what is entrusted to it.Montaigne.

To know evil of others and not speak it, is sometimes discretion; to speak evil of others and not know it, is always dishonesty. He may be evil himself who speaks good of others upon knowledge, but he can never be good himself who speaks evil of others upon suspicion.Arthur Warwick.

To know how to dissemble is the knowledge of kings.Richelieu.

To know how to grow old is the master-work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.Amiel.

To know how to suggest is the great art of teaching.Amiel.

To know how to wait is the great secret of success.De Maistre.

To know life we must detach ourselves from life.Feuerbach.

To know my deed, ’twere best not know myself.Macbeth, ii. 2.

To know of some one here and there with whom we accord, who is living on with us even in silence, this makes our earthly ball a peopled garden.Goethe.

To know one profession only, is enough for one man to know.Goldsmith.

To know / That which before us lies in daily life, / Is the prime wisdom.Milton.

To know the divine laws and inner harmonies of this universe must always be the highest glory for a man; and not to know them always the highest disgrace for a man, however common it be.Carlyle.

To know the true opinions of men, one ought to pay more respect to their actions than their words.Descartes.

To know the world, a modern phrase! a modern phrase / For visits, ombre, balls, and plays.Swift.

To know, to esteem, to love, and then to part, / Makes up life’s tale to many a feeling heart.Coleridge.

To know; to get into the truth of anything, is ever a mystic act, of which the best logics can only babble on the surface.Carlyle.

To know what is useful and what useless, and to be skilful to provide the one and wise to scorn the other, is the first need for all industrious men.Ruskin.

To lament the past is vain; what remains is to look for hope in futurity.Johnson.

To lapse in fulness / Is sorer than to lie for need; and falsehood / Is worse in kings than beggars.Cymbeline, iii. 6.

To learn obeying is the fundamental art of governing.Carlyle.

To live by one man’s will became the cause of all men’s misery.Hooker.

To live happily only means to live tolerably.Schopenhauer.

To live in hearts we leave behind / Is not to die.Campbell.

To live is not to breathe; it is to act.Rousseau.

To live is to achieve a perpetual triumph.Amiel.

To live long is to outlive much.Goethe.

To look at things as well as we can, to inscribe them in our memory, to be observant, and let no day pass without gathering something; then to apply one’s self to those branches of knowledge which give the mind a sure direction, to apportion everything its place, to assign to everything its value (in my opinion a genuine philosophy and a fundamental mathesis), this is what we have now to do.Goethe.

To lose one’s self in revery, one must be either happy or very unhappy. Revery is the child of extreme.Rivarol.

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.Sydney Smith.

To love all mankind, from the greatest to the lowest, a cheerful state of being is required; but in order to see into mankind, into life, and still more into ourselves, suffering is requisite.Jean Paul.

To love early and marry late is to hear a lark singing at dawn, and at night to eat it roasted for supper.Jean Paul.

To love is to be useful to yourself; to cause love is to be useful to others.Béranger.

To maintain one’s self on this earth is not a hardship, but a pastime, if we would live simply and wisely.Thoreau.

To mak’ a happy fireside clime / To weans and wife, / That’s the true pathos and sublime / O’ human life.Burns.

To make a boy despise his mother’s care is the straightest way to make him also despise his Redeemer’s voice; and to make him scorn his father and his father’s house, the straightest way to make him deny his God and his God’s heaven.Ruskin.

To make elaborate preparations for life is one of the greatest and commonest of human follies.Schopenhauer.

To make proselytes is the natural ambition of every one.Goethe.

To make some nook of God’s creation a little fruitfuller, better, more worthy of God; to make some human hearts a little wiser, manfuller, happier, more blessed, less accursed! It is work for a God.Carlyle.

To make the common marvellous, as if it were a revelation, is the test of genius.Lowell.

To man, in this his trial state, / The privilege is given, / When tost by tides of human fate, / To anchor fast in heaven.Watts.

To me more dear, congenial to my heart, / One native charm, than all the gloss of art.Goldsmith.

To me the eternal existence of my soul is proved from my idea of activity. If I work incessantly unto my death, nature will give me another form of existence when the present can no longer sustain my spirit.Goethe.

To me the meanest flower that blows can give / Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.Wordsworth.

To men we can give no help, and they hinder us from helping ourselves.Jarno, in Goethe’s “Wilhelm Meister.”

To misconstrue a good thing is a treble wrong—to myself, the action, and the author.Bp. Hall.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, / Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, / To the last syllable of recorded time; / And all our yesterdays have lighted fools / To dusty death.Macbeth, v. 5.

To-morrow is a satire on to-day, and shows its weakness.Young.

“To-morrow, to-morrow, only not to-day,” lazy people always say.C. F. Weisse.

To-morrow will I live, the fool does say: / To-day itself’s too late; the wise lived yesterday.Cowley.

To-morrow you will live, you always cry; / In what far country does this morrow lie?Cowley.

To most men experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumine only the track it has passed.Coleridge.

To mourn a mischief that is past and gone, / Is the next way to draw new mischief on.Othello, i. 3.

To no man does Fortune throw open all the kingdoms of this world, and say: It is thine; choose where thou wilt dwell! To the most she opens hardly the smallest cranny or dog-hutch, and says, not without asperity: There, that is thine while thou canst keep it; nestle thyself there, and bless Heaven!Carlyle.

To no man, whatever his station in life, or his power to serve me, have I ever paid a compliment at the expense of truth.Burns.

To nurse the flowers, to root up the weeds, is the business of the gardener.Bodenstedt.

To obey is the best grace of woman.Lewis Morris.

To one thing at one time.Chancellor Thurlow.

To open your windows be ever your care.Proverb.

To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence.Schopenhauer.

To overcome evil with good is good, to resist evil by evil is evil.Mahomet.

To pass through a bustling crowd with its restless excitement is strange but salutary. All go crossing and recrossing one another, and yet each finds his way and his object. In so great a crowd and bustle one feels himself perfectly calm and solitary.Goethe.

To persevér / In obstinate condolement, is a course / Of impious stubbornness; ’tis unmanly grief: / It shows a will most incorrect to heaven.Hamlet, i. 2.

To persevere in one’s duty and to be silent is the best answer to calumny.Washington.

To place wit before good sense is to place the superfluous before the necessary.M. de Montlosier.

To plough and sow, to reap and mow, my father bred me early, / For one, he said, to labour bred, was a match for fortune fairly.Burns.

To popular religion, the real kingdom of God is the New Jerusalem with its jaspers and emeralds; righteousness and peace and joy are only the kingdom of God figuratively.Matthew Arnold.