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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

J’ai bonne to Judges ought

J’ai bonne cause—I have good cause or reason.Motto.

J’ai en toujours pour principe de ne faire jamais par autrui ce que je pouvais faire par moimême—I have ever held it as a maxim never to do that through another which it was possible for me to do myself.Montesquieu.

J’ai failli attendre—I was all but kept waiting.Louis XIV., as his carriage drove up just at the last moment.

J’ai graissé la patte au concierge—I have tipped the door-keeper (lit. greased his paw).French Proverb.

J’ai ris, me voilà désarmé—I was set a-laughing, and lo! I was at once disarmed.Piron.

J’ai toujours vu que, pour réussir dans le monde, il fallait avoir l’air fou et être sage—I have always observed that to succeed in the world a man must seem simple but be wise.Montesquieu.

J’ai trouvé chaussure à mon pied—I have found a good berth (lit. shoes for my feet).French Proverb.

J’ai vécu—I existed through it all (the Reign of Terror).Siéyès.

J’ai voulu voir, j’ai vu—I wish to see, and have seen.Racine.

J’aime mieux ma mie—I love my lass better.A French Old Song.

J’appelle un chat un chat, et Rolet un fripon—I call a cat a cat, and Rolet a knave.Boileau.

J’embrasse mon rival, mais c’est pour l’étouffer—I press my rival to my heart, but it is to smother him.Corneille.

J’en passe et des meilleurs—I pass by them, and better than they.Victor Hugo.

J’étais poète, historien, / Et maintenant je ne suis rien—I was once a poet and a historian, and now I am nothing.Boudier, for his epitaph.

J’étais pour Ovide à quinze ans, / Mais je suis pour Horace à trente—I was for Ovid at fifteen, but I am for Horace at thirty.Ducerceau.

J’évite d’être long, et je deviens obscur—In avoiding to be diffuse, I become obscure.Boileau, after Horace.

J’y suis, et j’y reste—Here I am, and here I remain.MacMahon in the trenches before the Malakoff.

Ja, das Gold ist nur Chimäre—Yes, gold is but a chimæra.Scribe-Meyerbeer.

Ja, der Krieg verschlingt die Besten!—Yes, war swallows up the best people!Schiller.

Ja, grosse Männer werden stets verfolgt, / Und kommen immer in Verlegenheiten—Yes, great men are always subject to persecution, and always getting into straits.Schiller.

Ja, so schätzt der Mensch das Leben, als heiliges Kleinod, / Dass er jenen am meisten verehrt, der es trotzig verschmähet—Yes, man values life as a sacred jewel in such a way that he reveres him most who haughtily scorns it.Platen.

Jacet ecce Tibullus, / Vix manet e toto parva quod urna capit—See, here Tibullus lies; of all that he was there hardly remains enough to fill a little urn.Ovid.

Jack at a pinch.Proverb.

Jack is as good as Jill.Proverb.

Jack-o’-both sides is, before long, trusted by nobody, and abused by both parties.Proverb.

Jack of all trades and master of none.Proverb.

Jack shall pipe and Jill shall dance.G. Wither.

Jack will never be a gentleman.Proverb.

Jack’s as good as his master.Proverb.

Jacta alea est—The die is cast.Cæsar, when he passed the Rubicon.

Jactitatio—A boasting.Jactitation of marriage is cognisable in the Ecclesiastical Courts. Law.

Jam nunc minaci murmure cornuum / Perstringis aures; jam litui strepunt—Even now you stun our ears with the threatening murmur of horns; already I hear the clarions sound.Horace.

Jam pauca aratro jugera regiæ / Moles relinquent—Soon will regal piles leave but few acres to the plough.Horace.

Jam portum inveni, Spes et Fortuna valete! / Nil mihi vobiscum est, ludite nunc alios—Now I have gained the port, hope and fortune, farewell! I have nothing more to do with you; go now and make sport of others.A Greek epitaph.

Jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna—Now the Virgin goddess of justice returns; now the reign of Saturn and age of gold returns.Virgil.

Jam seges est ubi Troja fuit, resecandaque falce / Luxuriat Phrygio sanguine pinguis humus—New fields of corn wave where Troy once stood, and the ground enriched with Trojan blood is luxuriant with grain ready for the sickle.Ovid.

Jam summa procul villarum culmina fumant—Now the high tops of the far-off villas send forth their smoke.Virgil.

Jamais abattu—Never cast down.Motto.

Jamais arrière—Never behind.Motto.

Jamais l’innocence et le mystère n’habitèrent long tems ensemble—Innocence and mystery never dwelt any length of time together.French.

Jamais la cornemuse ne dit mot si elle n’a le ventre plein—The bagpipe never utters a word till its belly is full.French Proverb.

Jamais long nez n’a gâté beau visage—A big nose never disfigured a handsome face, i.e., it is disfigured already.French Proverb.

Jamais nous ne goûtons de parfaite allégresse; / Nos plus heureux succès sont mêlés de tristesse—We never taste happiness in perfection; our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness.Corneille.

Jamais on ne vaincra les Romains que dans Rome—The Romans will never be conquered except in Rome.French.

Jamque opus exegi, quod nec Jovis ira, nec ignis, / Nec poterit ferrum, nec edax abolere vetustas—And now I have completed what neither the wrath of Jove, nor fire, nor the sword, nor the corroding tooth of time will be able to destroy.Ovid.

Januæ mentis—Inlets of knowledge (lit. gates of the mind).

Januis clausis—With closed doors.

Jardin des plantes—A botanical garden.French.

Jasper fert myrrham, thus Melchior, Balthazar aurum. / Hæc quicum secum portet tria nomina regum, / Solvitur a morbo, Domini pietate, caduco—Jasper brings myrrh, Melchior frankincense, and Balthazar gold. Whoever carries with him the names of these three kings (the three kings of Cologne, the Magi) will, by the grace of God, be exempt from the falling sickness.A Mediæval charm.

Je allseitiger, je individueller—The more universal a man is, the greater he is as an individual.Mme. Varnhagen von Ense.

Je cognois tout, fors que moy-mesme—I know everything except myself.Old French.

Je crains Dieu, cher Abner, et n’ai pas d’autre crainte—I fear God, Abner, and have no other fear.Racine.

Je crains l’homme d’un seul livre—I am afraid of the man of one book.Thomas Aquinas.

Je fetter der Floh, je magerer der Hund—The fatter the flea, the leaner the dog.German Proverb.

Je jouis des ouvrages qui surpassent les miens—I enjoy works which surpass my own.La Harpe.

Je laisse à penser la vie / Que firent ces deux amis—I leave you to imagine the festive time these two friends (the town mouse and the country mouse) had of it.La Fontaine.

Je le tiens—I hold it.Motto.

Je m’en vais chercher un grand peut-être; tirez le rideau, la farce est jouée—I am going in quest of a great perhaps; let the curtain drop, the farce is played out.Rabelais, on his death-bed.

Je m’en vais voir le soleil pour la dernière fois!—I shall see the sun for the last time.Rousseau’s last words.

Je m’estonne fort pourquoy / La mort osa songer a moy / Qui ne songeais jamais à elle—I wonder greatly why death should condescend to think of me, who never thought of her.Regnier.

Je maintiendrai le droit—I will maintain the right.Motto.

Je me fie en Dieu—I put my trust in God.Motto.

Je mehr der Brunnen gebraucht wird, desto mehr giebt er Wasser—The more the well is used, the more water it gives.German Proverb.

Je mehr Gesetze, je weniger Recht—The more laws, the less justice.German Proverb.

Je mehr man das Ich versteckt, je mehr Welt hat man—The more we merge our I, the larger is our world.Hippel.

Je mets en fait que, si tous les hommes savaient ce qu’ils disent les uns des autres, il n’y aurait pas quatre amis dans le monde—I lay it down as beyond dispute that if every one knew what every one said of another, there would not be four friends in the world.Pascal.

Je minder sich der Kluge selbst gefällt, / Um desto mehr schätzt ihn die Welt—The less the sage pleases himself, the more the world esteems him.Gellert.

Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte—I have made this (letter) a rather long one, only because I had not the leisure to make it shorter.Pascal.

Je n’ai mérité / Ni cet excès d’honneur ni cette indignité—I have deserved neither so much honour nor such disgrace.Corneille.

Je n’ai point d’ennemis que ceux de l’état—I have no enemies whatever but those of the state.Richelieu to his confessor on his death-bed.

Je n’oublierai jamais—I will never forget.Motto.

Je ne change qu’en mourant—I change only when I die.Motto.

Je ne changerois pas mon répos pour tous les trésors du monde—I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world.

Je ne cherche qu’un—I seek but one.Motto.

Je ne connais que trois moyens d’exister dans la société: être ou voleur, ou mendiant, ou salarié—I know only three means of subsisting in society: by stealing, begging, or receiving a salary.Mirabeau, to the Clergy.

Je ne puis pas me refondre—I cannot change my opinion or purpose (lit. recast myself).French.

Je ne sais quoi—I know not what.French.

Je pense—I think.Motto.

Je pense plus—I think more.Motto.

Je plie et ne romps pas—I bend, but don’t break.La Fontaine.

Je prends mon bien où je le trouve—I take my own where I find it.Molière.

Je sais à mon pot comment les autres bouillent—I can tell by my own pot how others boil.French Proverb.

Je schôner die Wirthin, je schwerer die Zeche—The fairer the hostess the heavier the bill.German Proverb.

Je sens qu’il y a un Dieu, et je ne sens pas qu’il n’y en ait point; cela me suffit—I feet there is a God, and I don’t feel there is none; that is enough for me.La Bruyère.

Je suis assez semblable aux girouettes, qui ne se fixent que quand elles sont rouillées—I am like enough to the weathercocks, which don’t veer only when they become rusty.Voltaire.

Je suis oiseau, voyez mes áiles! / Je suis souris; vivent les rats—I am a bird, see my wing! I am a mouse; long live the rats.La Fontaine.

Je suis prêt—I am ready.Motto.

Je suis riche des biens dont je sais me passer—I am rich in the goods that I can do without.Vigée.

Je t’aime d’autant plus que je t’estime moins—I love you all the more the less I esteem you.Collé Cocatrix.

Je veux de bonne guerre—I am for fairplay in war.Motto.

Je veux le droit—I mean to have my right.Motto.

Je veux que, le dimanche, chaque paysan ait sa poule au pot—It is my wish that every peasant may have a fowl in his pot on Sundays.Henry IV. of France.

Je vis en espoir—I live in hope.Motto.

Je vois, je sais, je crois, je suis désabusé—I see, I know, I believe, I am undeceived.Corneille.

Je voudrais voir un homme sobre, modéré, chaste, équitable prononcer qu’il n’y-a point de Dieu; il parlerait du moins sans intérêt; mais cet homme ne se trouve point—I should like to see a man who is sober, moderate, chaste and just assert that there is no God; he would speak disinterestedly at least, but such a man is not to be found.La Bruyère.

Je vous apprendrai à vivre—I will teach you better manners (lit. to live.French Proverb.

Je vous ferai voir de quel bois je me chauffe—I will let you see what metal I am made of (lit. with what wood I heat myself).French Proverb.

Je weniger die Worte, je besser Gebet—The fewer the words, the better the prayer.German Proverb.

Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, / Seeking the bubble reputation / Even in the cannon’s mouth.As You Like It, ii. 7.

Jealousy dislikes the world to know it.Byron.

Jealousy / Hath in it an alchemic force to fuse / Almost into one metal love and hate.Tennyson.

Jealousy is a painful passion; yet without some share of it, the agreeable affection of love has difficulty to subsist in its full force and violence.Hume.

Jealousy is always born with love, but it does not always die with it.La Rochefoucauld.

Jealousy is cruel as the grave; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.Bible.

Jealousy is love’s bed of burning snarl.George Meredith.

Jealousy is often the helpmate of sweet love.Kingsley.

Jealousy is the forerunner of love, and sometimes its awakener.A. Marion Crawford.

Jealousy is the rage of a man.Bible.

Jealousy is the sister of love, as the devil is the brother of the angel.Weber.

Jealousy: / It is the green-eyed monster that doth mock / The meat it feeds on.Othello, iii. 2.

Jealousy lives upon doubts; it becomes madness or ceases entirely as soon as we past from doubt to certainty.La Rochefoucauld.

Jean a étudié pour être bête—John has been to college to learn to be a fool.French Proverb.

Jean s’en alla comme il était venu—John went away as he came.La Fontaine’s epitaph, written by himself.

Jeddart justice: First hang a man, and syne (then) try him.Scotch Proverb.

Jede grosse Zeit erfasst den ganzen Menschen—Every great epoch seizes possession of the whole man.Mommsen.

Jede Macht, welche wir über andere Gegenstände ausüben, hängt von der Macht ab, die wir über uns selbst besitzen—All the power which we, in every case, exercise over other objects depends on the power we have over ourselves.Cötvös.

Jede That der Weltgeschichte / Zeugt auch wieder eine That—Every deed in the history of the world begets another deed in turn.Arnold Schlônbach.

Jede Unthat, / Trägt ihren eignen Racheengel schon, / Die bôse Hoffnung unter ihrem Herzen—Every evil deed already bears its own avenging angel, the dread of evil, in the heart of it.Schiller.

Jedem das Seine ist nicht zu viel—To no one is his own too much.German Proverb.

Jedem redlichen Bemühn / Sei Beharrlichkelt verliehn—Be perseverance vouchsafed to every honest endeavour.Goethe.

Jeden anderen Meister erkennt man an dem, was er ausspricht; was er weiss, verschweigt, zeigt mir den Meister des Styls—Every other master may be known by what he expresses; what he wisely suppresses reveals to me the master of style.Schiller.

Jeder ausserordentliche Mensch hat eine gewisse Sendung, die er zu vollführen berufenist—Every man above the ordinary has a certain mission which he is called to fulfil.Goethe.

Jeder freut sich seiner Stelle, / Bietet dem Verächter Trutz—Every one is proud of his office, and bids defiance to the scorner.Schiller.

Jeder gilt so viel als er hat—Every one is worth as much as he has.German Proverb.

Jeder ist seiner Worte bester Ausleger—Every one is the best interpreter of his own words.German Proverb.

Jeder Jüngling sehnt sich so zu lieben. / Jedes Mädchen so geliebt zu sein: / Ach, der heiligste von unsern Trieben / Warum quillt aus ihm die grimme Pein?—The youth longs so to love, the maiden so to be loved; ah! why does there spring out of this holiest of all our instincts such agonising pain?Goethe.

Jeder Krämer lobt seine Ware—Every dealer cracks up his wares.German Proverb.

Jeder Mensch muss nach seiner Weise denken: denn er findet auf seinem Wege immer ein Wahres, oder eine Art von Wahrem, die ihm durchs Leben hilft; nur darf er sich nicht gehen lassen; er muss sich controliren; der blosse nackte Instinct geziemt nicht dem Menschen—Every man must think in his own way; for on his own pathway he always finds a truth, or a measure of truth, which is helpful to him in his life; only he must not follow his own bent without restraint; he must control himself; to follow mere naked instinct does not beseem a man.Goethe.

Jeder Morgen ruft zu, das Gehörige zu thun, und das Mögliche zu erwarten—We are summoned every morning to do what it requires of us, and to expect what it may bring.Goethe.

Jeder muss der Natur seine Schuld bezahlen—Every one must pay his debt to Nature.German Proverb.

Jeder muss ein Paar Narrenschuhe zerreissen, zerreisst er nicht mehr—Every one must wear out one pair of fool’s shoes, if he wear out no more.German Proverb.

Jeder, sieht man ihn einzeln, ist leidlich klug und verständig; / Sind sie in corpori, gleich wird euch ein Dummkopf daraus—Every man, as we see him singly, is tolerably wise and intelligent; but see him in a corporate capacity, and you think him a born blockhead and fool.Schiller.

Jeder stirbt / Und sterben ist die grösste That für jedem—Everyone dies, and for every one to die is his greatest act.L. Schefer.

Jeder Tag hat seine Plage / Und die Nacht hat ihre Lust—Every day has its torment, and the night has its pleasure.Philina, in Goethe.

Jeder Weg zum rechten Zwecke / Ist auch recht in jeder Strecke—Every road to the right end is also right in every stretch (step or turn) of it.Goethe.

Jeder Zustand, ja jeder Augenblick, ist von unendlichem Werth, denn er ist der Repräsentant einer ganzen Ewigkeit—Every condition, nay, every moment, is of infinite value, for it is the representative of a whole eternity.Goethe.

Jedes ausgesprochene Wort erregt den Eigensinn—Every uttered (lit. outspoken) word rouses our self-will.Goethe.

Jedes Weib will lieber schön als fromm sein—Every woman would rather be handsome than pious.German Proverb.

Jedes Weibes / Fehler ist des Mannes Schuld—The husband is to blame for the fault of the wife (in every case).Herder.

Jedwede Tugend / Ist fleckenrein bis auf den Augenblick / Der Probe—Every virtue is stainless up to the moment of trial.Schiller.

Jedwede Zeit hat ihre Wehen—Every time has its sorrows.Freiligrath.

Jedweder ist des dunkeln Schicksals Knecht—Every one is dark fate’s thrall.Schillerbuch.

Jeer not others upon any occasion.South.

Jeerers must be content to taste of their own broth.Proverb.

Jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit—The hungry stomach rarely scorns plain fare.Horace.

Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked.Bible.

Jess would have been an omnivorous reader of books had it not been her conviction that reading was idling.George Eliot.

Jest not with the eye, nor religion.Proverb.

Jest so that it may not become earnest.Spanish Proverb.

Jest with an ass, and he will flap you in the face with his tail.Proverb.

Jest with your equals.Danish Proverb.

Jesters do oft prove prophets.King Lear, v. 3.

Jesting brings serious sorrows.Proverb.

Jesting lies bring serious sorrows.Proverb.

Jesting Pilate, asking, “What is truth?” had not the smallest chance to ascertain it. He could not have known it had a god shown it to him.Carlyle.

Jesus Christ belonged to the true race of prophets. He saw with open eye the mystery of the soul. Drawn by its severe harmony, ravished with its beauty, He lived in it, and had His being there.Emerson.

Jesus hominum salvator—Jesus the Saviour of men.Motto.

Jesus of Nazareth, and the life He lived and the death He died;—through this, as through a miraculous window, the heaven of Martyr Heroism, the “divine depths of sorrow,” of noble labour, and the unspeakable silent expanses of eternity, first in man’s history disclose themselves.Carlyle.

Jesus of Nazareth was not poor, though He had not where to lay His head. (?)

Jesus speaks always from within, and in a degree that transcends all others. In that is the miracle.Emerson.

Jet d’eau—A jet of water.French.

Jeter le manche après la cognée—To throw the helve after the hatchet.French Proverb.

Jetzt giebt es keine Riesen mehr; Gewalt / Ist für den Schwachen jederzeit ein Riese—There are no more any giants now; for the weak, force is a giant at all times.Schiller.

Jeu d’enfant—Child’s play.French.

Jeu de hazard—Game of chance.French.

Jeu de mains, jeu de vilain—Horse-play, or practical joking, is vulgar.French.

Jeu de mots—Quibble; pun.French.

Jeu de theâtre—Stage-trick; clap-trap.French.

Jeune chirurgien, vieux médécin—A surgeon (should be) young, a physician old.French Proverb.

Jeune, et dans l’âge heureux qui méconnait la crainte—Young, and at that happy age which knows no fear.French.

Jeune, on conserve pour sa vieillesse; vieux, on épargne pour la mort—In youth men save for old age; in old age, they hoard for death.La Bruyère.

Jewels five words long, / That on the stretch’d forefinger of all time / Sparkle for ever.Tennyson.

Jo ædlere Blod, jo mindre Hovmod—The nobler the blood, the less the pride.Danish Proverb.

Jo argere Skalk, je bedre Lykke—The greater knave, the better luck.Danish Proverb.

Jo mere af Lov, jo mindre af Ret—The more by law, the less by right.Danish Proverb.

Joan is as good as my lady in the dark.Proverb.

John Gilpin kiss’d his loving wife; / O’erjoy’d was he to find / That, though on pleasure she was bent, / She had a frugal mind.Cowper.

Johnsons are rare; yet, Boswells are perhaps still rarer.Carlyle.

Join hands with God to make a man to live.George Herbert.

Joindre les mains, c’est bien; les ouvrir, c’est mieux—To fold the hands (in prayer) is well; to open them (in charity) is better.French Proverb.

Joke at your leisure; ye kenna wha may jibe yoursel’.Scotch Proverb.

Joke with a slave, and he’ll soon show his heels.Arabian Proverb.

Jong rijs is te buigen, maar geen oude boomen—Young twigs will bend, but not old trees.Dutch Proverb.

Jonge lui, domme lui; oude lui, koude lui—Young folk, silly folk; old folk, cold folk.Dutch Proverb.

Jouk and let the jaw (or jaup) gae by—i.e., duck and let the dash of dirty water pass over you.Scotch Proverb.

Jour de fête—Holiday.French.

Jour de ma vie—The day of my life.Motto.

Jour gras—Flesh day.French.

Jour maigre—Fish day.French.

Journal pour rire—Comic journal.French.

Journalists are like little dogs; whenever anything stirs they immediately begin to bark.Schopenhauer.

Journeys end in lovers’ meeting, / Every wise man’s son doth know.Twelfth Night, ii. 3.

Jove tonante cum populo agi non est fas—When Jove thunders there must be no parleying with the people.Cicero.

Jovis omnia plena—All things are full of Jove—i.e., of the deity.Virgil.

Joy? a moon by fits reflected in a swamp or watery bog.Wordsworth.

Joy and grief are never far apart.Willmott.

Joy and sorrow / Are to-day and to-morrow.Proverb.

Joy descends gently upon us like the evening dew, and does not patter down like a hailstorm.Jean Paul.

Joy has this in common with pain, that it robs men of reason.Platen.

Joy, in a changeable subject, must necessarily change as the subject changeth.S. Bern.

Joy is a guest who generally comes uninvited.Schopenhauer.

Joy is a sunbeam between two clouds.Mme. Deluzy.

Joy is as a raiment fine, / Spun of magic threads divine; / Which as you are in act to don, / The wearer and the robe are gone.Sophocles.

Joy is buyable—by forsaking all that a man hath.Ruskin.

Joy is like the ague; one good day between two bad ones.Danish Proverb.

Joy is more divine than sorrow; for joy is bread, and sorrow is medicine.Ward Beecher.

Joy is the best of wine.George Eliot.

Joy is the mainspring in the whole round of universal Nature; joy moves the wheels of the great timepiece of the world; she it is that loosens flowers from their buds, suns from their firmaments, rolling spheres in distant space not seen by the glass of the astronomer.Schiller.

Joy is the sweet voice, joy the luminous cloud.Coleridge.

Joy may elevate, ambition glorify, but sorrow alone can consecrate.Horace Greeley.

Joy must have sorrow; sorrow, joy.Goethe.

Joy never feasts so high as when the first course is of misery.Suckling.

Joy ruled the day and love the night.Dryden.

Joy shared is joy doubled.Goethe.

Joy surfeited turns to sorrow.Proverb.

Joy wholly from without is false, precarious and short. Joy from within is like smelling the rose on the tree; it is more sweet, and fair, and lasting.Young.

Joy’s a subtle elf; / I think man’s happiest when he forgets himself.Cyril Tourneur.

Joys are for the gods; / Man’s common course of nature is distress; / His joys are prodigies; and like them too, / Portend approaching ill. The wise man starts / And trembles at the perils of a bliss.Young.

Joys are our wings, sorrows are our spurs.Jean Paul.

Joys carried too far change into sorrows.Justin Bertuch.

Joy’s recollection is no longer joy, while sorrow’s memory is a sorrow still.Byron.

Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.Proverb.

Joys, tender and true, / Yet all with wings.Proctor.

Joyful to live, yet not afraid to die.Prior.

Joyfulness (Freudigkeit) is the mother of all virtues.Goethe.

Jubilate Deo—Be joyful in the Lord.

Jucunda est memoria præteritorum malorum—The recollection of past miseries is pleasant.Cicero.

Jucunda et idonea dicere vitæ—To describe what is pleasant and suited for life.Horace.

Jucunda rerum vicissitudo—A delightful change of circumstances.

Jucundi acti labores—It is pleasant to think of labours that are past.Cicero.

Jucundum et carum sterilis facit uxor amicum—A wife who has no children makes (to her husband’s heirs) a dear and engaging friend.Juvenal.

Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitor—The judge is found guilty when a criminal is acquitted.Publius Syrus.

Judex non potest esse testis in propria causa—A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause.Coke.

Judge before friendship, then confide till death, / Well for thy friend, but nobler far for thee.Young.

Judge me, ye powers; let fortune tempt or frown, I am prepared; my honour is my own.Lansdowne.

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.Jesus.

Judge not of men and things at first sight.Proverb.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.Jesus.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, / But trust Him for His grace.Cowper.

Judge not the play before the play is done; / Her plot has many changes; every day / Speaks a new scene; the last act crowns the play.Quarles.

Judge not the preacher…. Do not grudge / To pick out treasures from an earthen pot. / The worst speak something good; if all want sense, / God takes a text and preacheth patience.George Herbert.

Judge of the pleasure of the heart by the pleasure of the eye.Bacon.

Judge thou me by what I am, / So shalt thou find me fairest.Tennyson.

Judge thyself with a judgment of sincerity, and thou wilt judge others with a judgment of charity.Mason.

Judges and senates have been bought for gold; / Esteem and love were never to be old.Pope.

Judges are but men, and are swayed, like other men, by vehement prejudices.D. Dudley Field.

Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverent than plausible, and more advised than confident. Above all things, integrity is their portion and proper virtue.Bacon.