James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.
Auf Wind und Meer gebautes Glück ist schwankend—The fortune is insecure that is at the mercy of wind and wave.
Die kranke Seele muss sich selber helfen—The sick soul must work its own cure (lit. help itself).
Ein Arzt darf auch dem Feind sich nicht entziehen—A physician may not turn his back even on an enemy.
Nur was wir selber glauben, glaubt man uns—People give us credit only for what we ourselves believe.
O der Magnet des Wahns zieht mächtig—Oh, how powerfully the magnet of illusion attracts.
Talent has almost always this advantage (Vorsprung) over genius—that the former endures, the latter often explodes, or runs to waste (verpufft).
Talent ist Form, Genie Stoff—Talent is form, genius is substance.
There must be hearts which know the depths of our being, and swear by us, even when the whole world forsakes us.