Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1882). Complete Poetical Works. 1893.
Christus: A MysteryPart II. The Golden Legend. III. IV. The Nativity: A Miracle-Play. II. Mary at the Well
Through the wicket in the garden fence,
I steal with quiet pace,
My pitcher at the well to fill,
That lies so deep and cool and still
In this sequestered place.
I see no face, I hear no sound,
Save bubblings of the spring,
And my companions, who, within,
The threads of gold and scarlet spin,
And at their labor sing.
Here MARY looketh around her, trembling, and then saith:
With such a gentle voice?
Blessed among all women thou,
Who art his holy choice!
And yet, such sacred words I hear,
I almost fear to stay.
Here the ANGEL, appearing to her, shall say:
For thou, a Virgin, shalt conceive
A child this very day.
The majesty of the Most High
Shall overshadow thee!
According to thy holy word,
So be it unto me!
Here the Devils shall again make a great noise, under the stage.